Sunday, June 28, 2009 10:20 pm

You'll always be missed, King.
Without him, many of the musicians we know wouldn't be inspired to exist today. Michael Jackson single handedly injected dance-pop music into the world and instantly proved that music destroys all ethnic barriers, selling out in the the Americas, Europe, and the whole of Asia as well.
With Michael, dies Farrah Fawcett as well as the K-on anime.
List of things I've done during the holidays
- Roller blade
- HG 1/144 Gundam Exia R2
- Kbox
- Buffet
- Drums
- Manga[My weeklies, 20th century boys(265 chapters), Densha Otoko (27 chapters), a few oneshots]
- Guitar(a shit lot of it)
- Japanese(Rosetta stone, J-rock concert, Cosplay research)
- Econs
- Maths
I tell you I'm made to be in some arts course in uni.
Midyears begin tomorrow. I'm more concerned for my buttocks than my brain. Like 3 hours?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 4:36 pm

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 11:29 pm
Bm D A G x 10000000000000000000
*sets air supply on loop*
Econs, Chem, Maths. Let's do this shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Friday, June 19, 2009 11:43 pm
転がる岩、君に朝が降るIf I could I would want to repaint this world
not something as big as getting rid of all wars
but I kinda want that as well
I won't be an actor or a movie star
On the contrary I can't even put up a nice smile when I'm facing you
Someone like me really has no way to do it
Everything I did was wrong, and I don't understand why I'm still rolling rolling
I've never protected it that's why my heart is hurting
And right before this was to be for sure
Our hearts were entangled and rolling rolling
At the tumbling speed over frozen ground, I take off
There isn't a reason but somehow i am sad
I don't cry that's why I don't get much help
So I sing to warm up such a night
The rock is tumbling, bringing us along to somewhere somewhere
A life that splits the solid ground has sprouted
before we cross over that hill
so that It, will shine on, shine on;
the morning that will light up even your loneliness
The little red car is carrying you
over the faraway bend
and I can't see you from here anymore
I've nothing left, and I don't understand why I'm still rolling rolling
I've never protected it that's why my heart is hurting
And right before this was to be for sure
Our hearts were entangled and rolling rolling
At the tumbling speed over frozen ground, I take off
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 9:43 am
omg I dreamt about Yui and Yukihiro. HYARHYAHRYAHRYAHRYAHRYHARRARA
Met them on some, train. Can't' remember all the details, info diffusing out argh.
Yukihiro looks a lot younger and speaks better english that I thought he would.
Yui told me (can't remember in english or japanese) when she started out on guitar, she played really badly for the first 3 years, and laughed at me for thinking she was awesome on the guitar.
I tried to get her email and then got Jessabelle(who was with me) to copy it down on her phone. In any case, I needed a lot more time with my idols. Apparently, Yukihiro listens to a lot of 70s rock and knows more english songs than I do.
Yui had some holdups about me visiting Tokyo and trying to find her there though.
We wanted to go for hot drinks at Lot 1 (@_@). Yukihiro needed to go pee, while Yui, me, and a few random SAJC people were looking around at gift shops. She suggested finding a place with decent Donburi, and it was going to be her treat.
She secretly asked me when I would be free from national service. And then told me that 2012 to 2016 was the optimum time for her to have children, I @_@. As I was staring, I realised her face isn't as fat as it looks on TV, although it has a few more moles and definitely isn't perfect.
Meanwhile I secretly confessed to her what her music meant to me and stuff. Then she laughed and told me an autograph and photo would be fine.
10:02 am

Genre : Electronica/Rock/Dance/Metal

Genre : Grunge/Rock/Metal/Jazz

Genre : Pop rock
9:43 am
"Don't really talk to you that much now, but I wish I could a lot more.
I think you were the great mix of cool and innocent. Good balance. I liked that. I felt like I could click with you really well.
We didn't really have a lot in common, just probably itchy fingers that loved texting, even if it was all just filler contents, asking about each others' days, sharing a bit of laughs and retarded-ness. Kind of long, like I think we mutually shot about a few thousand messages at each other.
I really care. Guys should know their boundaries and step in to intervene when their friends do something not right. Well, are you a nihilist? Do you believe that there is no right and wrong, and that morals exist only in our imagination?
With every sinew of my heart I pray that's not the case.
Recently, school has been kinda crappy for me. I don't know about your experience exactly. Hope it hasn't been driving you nuts. After school activities, tutorials, exams, please juggle them well. Os wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows for the both of us, suppose we want to try and make good for our tertiary education?
Put aside all vile distractions, and won't you have some good clean fun? Stuff with maybe your old friends. Don't dabble too much into the premise of booze cocktailed with cheap syrup, it doesn't grant you any justice to the pure person I think you are.
Naïve as it may be. I really want to continue talking to you and share my life experiences as long as possible, perhaps even till the day I depart from this earth. Yeah, that's the extent. I don't know if I'm ever gonna find anyone else like you.
We both know that I'm not someone who can be on the same wavelength with the crowd. I have this much love condensed to share between my family and friends, won't you have some too? I wish, that you were reading this, and hope that you wanna know that you're the person in this note."
Friday, June 12, 2009 11:36 pm
If you strip all humans of their emotions.
They would not have greed, they would not have pride, they would not love, they would not fear, they would not worry.
Isn't that world a much better place?
1:34 am
Alcoholism, masturbation, drugs and tobacco.
Tens of billions of dollars circulate monthly about the industries that thrive on those 4.
Yes, the sad truth on how people give in to their weaknesses and then chain themselves to these dead weights that eat slowly into them. This is what happens when you invest -
Alcoholism : The Big CEO gets his paycheck, production increases, more drunken one night stands/rape cases/alcoholics anonymousMasturbation : Pornstars get their paycheck, production increases, more viruses and btss running around.Drugs : Al Qaeda, the mexican mafia, and the remnants of Khmer Rouge continue to terrorise the world. Amy Winehouse goes to jail, again.Tobacco : Global warming!!!!!!! more sick bald people with poison in their blood waste resources of the world.all in a good day's addiction.
Man, what a pain in the butt, these holidays.
Pw, haven't started at all. Read a bit of econs and chem, that was pretty much it. At the very least, I got some stuff done on my gundams.
dota 6.60 is out. After like half a year. Congratulations to Icefrog for the setup of a new official website and the implementation of a majorly revamped dota.
Can't believe they would like patch every other week in sec 2, funny sia. Then again, those were the days of mrbrownshow spam and pirate king online/maple.
I can't hum the tunes cause its not what you like.
Wanna see you, but you won't hear me.
On the long road home.
Saturday, June 06, 2009 11:36 am
How often have you ever gone to a school/church camp/cca/function and when someone comes up to do a briefing/impromptu speech, he goes
Okay guys, so basically....xxxxx"
I was telling an EDMW member that there are certain mindsets that need to die with time.
That's right, its the kind of conservative, fundamentalist mindset that most fathers, especially Singaporean will have.
The typical Singaporean father(non-elite) works an office job. He wants his children to go to a good JC and apply for a scholarship to NUS. After they are done, they should serve their bond happily and continue to work in the civil service for the rest of their lives, proclaiming it as their 'duty' to the nation.
If your father thinks like that, please slap yourself and work your ass off to defy him and prove him wrong. He is already a mindless pawn of the ruling party. He might agree to being sent to die in a nursing home in Malaysia rather than his home country. I'm not saying Malaysia is bad, in fact, if you were a Malaysian PR living in Singapore, I'd rather go back there to die like a king than to be crushed as a peasant here.
Contrary to what our local media may have you believe, it is NOT possible for fresh SMU graduates to have $4k starting pay. Meaning, it is also impossible for NUS and NTU grads to have higher starting pay. I mean, I don't know about you, but I felt that this was
SO HARD to spot and figure out.
Please do whatever it takes to escape this country which is telling you they are aiming for the "Swiss" standard of living. You should try to go to a country like Luxembourg, with one of the highest GDP/capita, literacy rate, quality of life, and population less than 1/4 of Singapore's(foreign + local).
Anyway, the important thing when these traditional mindsets are gone is, 'do what you want'
(edit : I took a dump in the middle of this post and I realise dad's toilet has a sink with water pressure so high I could have cut off a few fingers just by washing my hands for 6 more seconds >_>). Not everyone is meant to live a normal life in an average middle class family. In fact we should try to break out of that conformity. However, when it actually comes to strike you, you shouldn't be bitter about it.
Let's face it, we live in a socially kaput nation. The Chinese majority must resort to being racist to 'suppress' the malay and indian minorities. And the minorities are still stupidly conforming to their stereotypes. Disgusting.
Scenario : Enlistment for Basic Military Training!In most other countries : "I have willingly dedicated myself to the defence of my nation. I shall serve it with pride and reap the rewards that it has promised me in order to feed my family!"
Singapore : "
Eh, your name is Johnson right. Eh, my cousin working in hospiter leh, you want eMSee or not? Sell you cheap cheap"
Scenario : Imagine a car has crashed into a lorry at a 4 way junction ahead.
In most other countries : "Oh my goodness/Buddha/God/Allah/Vishnu/L. Ron Hubbard! Call the police/ambulance!"
Singapore : "
Scenario : Mcdonalds is giving away Hello Kitties with every upsized Extra Value Meal!In most other countries :"Oh, they're so cute! Maybe I should pop by to get one for my niece/daughter"
Singapore : "
errrrr escue me! I want errr, the the the fillet O fis miu upsai, got the toy right? Scenario : The train is packed, there are seats nowhere and there's a 30-something year old person sitting on seats closest to the door.
In most other countries : "
Oh man, have to stand the entire journey.
Excuse me, I'm really not feeling well at the moment, if its okay do you mind sparing me your seat until I get off?"
Singapore : " *
Whips out camera phone*. 4 hours later; types an article 'Man hogs priority seat and tells me to f*** off' Man later surfing the internet : wtf?"
Scenario : Foodcourt at lunch peak periodIn most other countries : "Okay, I think I'll sit here first while you guys go get your lunch. Help me buy a root beer on your way back, thanks"
Singapore : "
Scenario : Election day!
In most other countries : "Do I really want to let these guys continue to control parliament? Have they been doing a good job? What can they do for me?"
66.6% of Singapore : "
Fwah, gahmen giving money[
*note that this idiot doesn't realise its his own money in the form of paid taxes, GST and ERP*]
sia, easy choice.
*Sits at home and sleeps, because he doesn't need to vote*Do you see a kind of underlying subconscious urge by these people to 'suppress' others and make themselves feel superior at others' expense? Chinese Singaporeans also tend to shoot themselves in the foot at the same time! How brilliant. If I had like, 0.1 cents for every time my fellow countrymen did that....