Monday, April 27, 2009 9:51 pm
Be prepared.
Remember how you always longed for quarantine breaks like SARS back in 2003?
Think again.
When influenza strikes, and suppressant drugs run low, the danger of you getting infected is there. And once you got it, you have to prepare to leave this world.
It takes one person, probably mainland Chinese, to come into singapore with a mutant flu virus to strike. When that happens, the virus will spread so wild and fast due to singapore's population density that you won't even have time to blink. Will you live each day with a worry free mind knowing your parents have to go out for work and expose themselves to a risk of death?
What happens when everybody around you dies? Will we be able to handle that?
Saturday, April 25, 2009 8:40 pm
had 2 parts of a dream last night, I didn't wake up in between(I think), but they were damn weird.
1 :
I was like walking somewhere(can't remember where), then got this malay guy with an afro was walking past, then I was like "SSSSST!". And he turned around, whipped out a gun and shot me in the chest. But the bullet broke against my sternum and half of it ricocheted off, the other half stayed stuck about 1 or 2cm into my chest and it was like freaking pain. LIKE SUPER PAIN.
2 :
I was in like a Kbox box, with a few people, should be nanhua one la. Like a lot of people got up and went to the toilet. Then Weiqing and 2 others were still inside.
I felt like playing a prank, like act secret secret then whisper into her ear "eh, actually, the secret is.." before screaming "NOTHING".
Then I was like "eh, actually..." then she grabbed my shoulders, swang me one side and punched me in the face before laughing like a mad woman. Then after that the laughter got louder as more people joined in.
Lol. Like what the hell is with my dreams.
i have no idea how you rmb yr dream so vividly
Have you ever like, had the craziest dream, then woke up thinking about it. Then as the day went by, you knew you had a weird dream, but then the longer you spent not thinking about it, the faster it disappears from your memory, a lot faster than real life experiences.
I wish there was like a dream logger, that can record your dreams and then save them, so you can like watch day after day after day's dreams.
They usually won't last more than 5 minutes apparently. Lol.
12:28 am
Need a friend with an open mind, listening ear, and a comfy shoulder.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 9:18 pm
More Videos at IGN.comWent to Yijo's house to play spore and I came up with the funniest creature designs you've ever seen.

Monday, April 20, 2009 8:42 pm
When you occasionally have a really bad day, and you just need to take it out on someone, don't take it out on someone you know, take it out on someone you don't know, but you know deserves it.
I was sitting at my desk when I remembered a phone call I'd forgotten to make. I found the number and dialled it. A man answered, saying 'Hello.' I politely said, 'This is Chris. Could I please speak with Robyn Carter?'
Suddenly a manic voice yelled out in my ear 'Get the right f***ing number!' and the phone was slammed down on me. I couldn't believe that anyone could be so rude. When I tracked down Robyn's correct number to call her, I found that I had accidentally transposed the last two digits. After hanging up with her, I decided to call the 'wrong' number again.
When the same guy answered the phone, I yelled 'You're an asshol_e!' and hung up. I wrote his number down with the word 'asshol_e' next to it, and put it in my desk drawer. Every couple of weeks, when I was paying bills or had a really bad day, I'd call him up and yell, 'You're an asshol_e!' It always cheered me up.
When Caller ID was introduced, I thought my therapeutic 'asshol_e' calling would have to stop. So, I called his number and said, 'Hi, this is John Smith from the telephone company. I'm calling to see if you're familiar with our Caller ID Program?' He yelled 'NO!' and slammed down the phone. I quickly called him back and said, 'That's because you're an asshol_e!' and hung up..
One day I was at the store, getting ready to pull into a parking spot. Some guy in a black BMW cut me off and pulled into the spot I had patiently waited for. I hit the horn and yelled that I'd been waiting for that spot, but the idiot ignored me. I noticed a 'For Sale ' sign in his back window, so I wrote down his number.
A couple of days later, right after calling the first asshol_e (I had his number on speed dial,) I thought that I'd better call the BMW asshol_e, too. I said, 'Is this the man with the black BMW for sale?' He said, 'Yes, it is..' I then asked, 'Can you tell me where I can see it?' He said, 'Yes, I live at 34 Oaktree Blvd , in Fairfax. It's a yellow ranch style house and the car's parked right out in front.'
I asked, 'What's your name?' He said, 'My name is Don Hansen,' I asked, 'When's a good time to catch you, Don?' He said, 'I'm home every evening after five.'
I said, 'Listen, Don, can I tell you something?' He said, 'Yes?' I said, 'Don, you're an asshol_e!' Then I hung up, and added his number to my speed dial, too.
Now, when I had a problem, I had two assholes to call. Then I came up with an idea.
I called asshol_e #1. He said, 'Hello.' I said, 'You're an asshol_e!' (But I didn't hang up.) He asked, 'Are you still there?' I said, 'Yeah!' He screamed, 'Stop calling me,' I said, 'Make me,' He asked, 'Who are you?' I said, 'My name is Don Hansen.' He said, 'Yeah? Where do you live?' I said, 'asshol_e, I live at 34 Oaktree Blvd , in Fairfax , a yellow ranch style home and I have a black Beamer parked in front.' He said, 'I'm coming over right now, Don. And you had better start saying your prayers.' I said, 'Yeah, like I'm really scared, asshol_e,' and hung up.
Then I called asshol_e #2. He said, 'Hello?' I said, 'Hello, asshol_e,' He yelled, 'If I ever find out who you are...' I said, 'You'll what?' He exclaimed, 'I'll kick your ass,' I answered, 'Well, asshol_e, here's your chance. I'm coming over right now.'
Then I hung up and immediately called the police, saying that I lived at 34 Oaktree Blvd , in Fairfax, and that I was on my way over there to kill my gay lover.> Then I called Channel 7 News about the gang war going down in Oaktree Blvd in Fairfax . I quickly got into my car and headed over to Fairfax. I got there just in time to watch two assholes beating the crap out of each other in front of six cop cars, an overhead news helicopter and surrounded by a news crew.
NOW I feel much better.
Anger management really does work.
Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:44 pm
Review of several manga over the past 4~6 weeks! Titles include Bakuman, Bleach, D.Gray Man, Katekyo hitman reborn!, Naruto.
Out of 5 thumbs up
Bakuman - 4.5 thumbs upWe see a lot of progress as Mashiro and Takagi really pluck up their courage and mettle in order to face the challenge of the Golden Cup whilst not totally flunking their school work. "Detective Trap" eventually ties with "Kiyoshi Knight" for reader votes but the board at Shuisheia pick Detective Trap to be serialized. Mashiro reaches ever so close to his dream of getting a TV anime. While Azuki is struggling to establish a seiyu career despite her horrible singing voice :( will Mashiro be able to keep up the pace now that Detective Trap is serialized?
Bleach - 0.5 thumbs upAfter seeing "The Lust" Chapters 1 to 38509834068340968094361. We conclude that Ichigo is now able to reach SSJ3, complete with the long hair. We also confirm that it is customary for an arrancar to die after he has released his Zanpaktou. Oh yeah, Kubo Tite likes Anal, or at least buttsecks.
D. Gray Man - 3.0 thumbs upIt's been promising since the end of its hiatus. After the defeat of the second level 4, We now have a new exorcist side character who's also a master thief and a little kid :D Akuma can be killed also by cannibalism. And a new sub-race of half human-akumas appear. Wait, isn't this concept from bleach? Allen continues his struggle against the memories of Mana and the 14th Noah within him.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn - 3.5 thumbs upIn the chapters building the climax before the Showdown with Byakuran's six, the heroes receive their new Box weapons and Honda bikes. >_> Like, not Kawasaki, not Yamaha, but Honda. That's like buying hamburgers at KFC. Effort has been made by Amano to stray from typical shonen manga cliches, however she fails to escape the trap of her own cliches. Tsuna, with a little pep talk from his crush Kyoko-chan, manages to successfully open his box weapon without killing himself. There are less than 3 days before the fight, I think.
Naruto - 2.5 thumbs upIf there's one thing this manga artist is good at doing, its prolonging INDIVIDUAL fights. Its almost been half a year(real time) since Pain attacked Konoha. Tsunade's fate is unknown after Naruto saves her from being killed. From Sage Mode and his various methods of fighting, it's apparent that Naruto fights more like a monk/sage rather than a ninja. Seriously, where's the extremespeed, agility, cunning, and wit that we always associate ninjas with? Till this day I haven't seen Naruto do a successful Kawarimi(Replacement), it was so overused at the start of the series but the main character has yet to do it? Naruto aside; all other characters beside himself and Sasuke are useless to the plot. Next.
Next. :(
10:47 pm
Helping Loo Jia Yu of National Junior College class 09sh22 advertise
Hello people. There's this art exhibition by artist zai kunning going on.
17 APR 2009, FRI to 31 MAY 2009, SUN
11am - 8.30pm (Mon - Fri),
10am - 8.30pm (Sat & Sun, Public Holidays)
Venue: Esplanade, Jendela (Visual Arts Space)
MY LITTLE WORK WILL BE THERE! Come support me..errm first and maybe last time my work is going to be exhibited in public.yea. it's free of charge.yea
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 10:14 pm
You are always living in someone else's dream, and somebody will forever be living in yours
haiz knn =(School's been really draggy as always, especially when you rotate to the lousier lecturers, aka a senile dood, a pixie, and a cheeseburger.
Bridge is kewl, like 8 games you lose 6 games, 50 + 50 + 100 + 130 + 200 + 200 points gone, then after that you gain 400 points, and then 1400 points, and you find out your teammates lost you
4000 points. and its 4000 points within 3 games you know D:
BASKET!Gosh, I finally have some faint clue on how to do questions involving Sigma notation, the light is faint, but its still visible in the dark :D I forgot what movie that sheety line was from, oh gosh.
I need a phone that can transfer photos to facebook + bizarrobassline within the snap of a turd! Anyone knows a phone that doesnt need driver software or whatever bullcrap D:and for my loyal but non-existent fans, please visit
this link if you wanna listen to the magic of Jpop. It starts from Miss Utada :D and then it paves the way for Miss Yoshioka, or at least I hope so anyway.
Now, we break the limit!
思い続け心に描いた かなえたい100のページ
I believe 本当の勝敗はそこにあるんだ
高く放り投げたノート たまたま開いたページに
ふと思いつくこと全部 書いてみたんだ
ここじゃ言えないようなことまで とにかくいろいろ書いた
そう言ゃぁいつかも 太いペンで 夢を繰り返し書いてたなあ
思い続け心に描いた かなえたい100のページ
諦めなかった数と かなった数も同じってこと証明した
十八の時 始めるには遅いって諦めたピアノ
二十歳の時 同じ理由で思い閉じ込めて
その二年後に諦めきれず 始めたピアノの
沢山のメロディーが 僕に今をくれた
少しずつ音をつなぎ合わせ 明日へ続いていった
きっと自分にはできないと決めて 終わらせてたんだ
届く場所も いつからかなんか遠い気がしていた
I believe 本当の勝敗はきっとそこにあるんだ
思い続け心に描いた かなえたい100のページ
諦めた数と 敗れた数は同じだった
諦めなかった数と かなった数も同じだよと
上手くいかなかった経験のほうが 心に残るから怖かった
諦めることと 大人になることを 背中合わせにはしないで
今度こそはラスト10m ここぞと輝いて
right now, for the last 10 metres, I'll shine.
Saturday, April 11, 2009 7:41 pm
[GPGT] My Uniqlo Experience
Spent about $70+ on Polos lol. Damn cool. :D :D :D :D :D
400 000 people visited Tampines 1 on its first day on the 09/04/09, did you?
It was kind of sad though, yesterday we drove all the way to Tampines only to find out it was closing early.
I took my revenge this morning and despite the long queue, it wasn't long before we were in! :D RUSH PLZ.
School sucks :( nuff said.
I can already start to rate people according to hostility level.
I don't know what's wrong with you all
Or what's wrong with me
You people are the ones im going to encounter for the most of the next 2 years in my life.
And yet its such a pain to go through every day, because of you? I can't be too sure.
I don't know why I was given such a short fuse for patience,
as well as a knack for drawing flak.
Whatever. If God wants to place some obstacles in my life,
I'll deal with it.
Sunday, April 05, 2009 9:53 pm
It won't be Adeu that soon.
Again - Yui
夢の続き 追いかけていたはずなのに
曲がりくねった細い道 人につまづく
「あの頃みたいに」って 戻りたいわけじゃないの
無くしてきた空を探してる 分かってくれますように
犠牲になったような 悲しい顔はやめてよ
罪の最後は涙じゃないよ ずっと苦しく背負ってくんだ
出口見えない感情迷路に 誰を待ってるの
白いノートに綴ったように もっと素直に吐き出したいよ
何から逃れたいんだ 現実ってやつか
叶えるために 生きてるんだって
忘れちゃいそうな 夜の真ん中
無難になんて やってられないから 帰る場所も無いの
この想いを 消してしまうには まだ人生長いでしょ(I'm on the way)
懐かしくなる こんな痛みも歓迎じゃん
謝らなくちゃいけないよね あぁ、ごめんね
上手く言えなくて 心配かけたままだったね
あの日抱えた全部 明日抱える全部 順番つけたりはしないから
分かってくれますように そっと目を閉じたんだ
見たくないものまで 見えんだもん
いらない噂にちょっと 初めて聞く発言どっち
向かい合ったら友達だって 嘘はやめてね
赤いハートが苛立つように 体の中燃えているんだ
本当は期待しているの 現実ってやつか
叶えために 生きているんだって
叫びたくなるよ 聞こえていますか?
無難になんて やってられないから 帰る場所もばいの
優しさには いつも感謝している だから強くなりたい(I'm on the way)
進むために 敵も味方も歓迎じゃん
どうやって次のドア開けるんだっけ 考えてる
もう引き返せない 物語始まってるんだ
目を覚ませ 目を覚ませ
この想いを消してしまうには まだ人生長いでしょ
やり残してることやり直してみたいから もう一度ゆこうか
何のために 生きているんだって
叫びたくなるよ 聞こえていますか
無難になんてやってられないから 帰る場所も無いの
優しさにはいつも感謝している だから強くなりたい(I'm on the way)
懐かしくなる こんな痛みも歓迎じゃん
Friday, April 03, 2009 9:27 pm
And now, a bit of news.
KIM Chi-woo struck three minutes from time to give South Korea a 1-0 win over North Korea in an Asian World Cup qualifier overnight.
South Korea reclaimed top place in Group B with 11 points, one ahead of North Korea and Saudi Arabia.
It was a good-natured match more entertaining than the four recent draws in the derby clashes, although North Korea coach Kim Jong Hun was visibly upset after the match.
Kim made a statement suggesting food poisoning had weakened his team and disputing the referee's ruling on a goal-line decision, before refusing to answer questions.
Read the rest of the report
Lol, nice satellite play, DPRK, whatever that means.
Let's look at Bleach this week too;

Haven't I seen this before?

Oman, Kubo Tite LOVES to repeat his material.
Let's look at 2 major story arcs from the manga, Soul society(ss) and hueco mundo(hm)
Upon entry to the fortress of that word (seireitei, las noches), they somehow get separated (cannon fail/split up). Ichigo encounters an eccentric enemy (Ikkaku, Dordonii), and fights him with initial difficulty, but after taking the fight seriously, he wins. After which, he will heal that enemy (Ikkaku's healing balm/Nel's saliva), and then depart.
Chad ends up fighting another weirdo (8th squad 3rd seat/Gantenbainne) and claims a sound victory over him. However, immediately after that fight, an elite swoops in in with his own unique fashion (Kyouraku/ Nnoitra) and proceeds to knock Chad unconscious despite Chad's efforts to increase his power.
Ishida ends up fighting an enemy who specialises in rotating blades (some guy whose name I forgot/Cirucci) and also claims a sound victory. His next battle will be against a mad scientist (Mayuri/Szayel Apollo). At some point in the battle, Ishida fires a giant LAZAR(final form release/Sprenger) that will almost kill the mad scientist, but fail in the end.
Whilst imprisoned, the damsel in distress(Rukia/Orihime) will get disturbed by a pervert (Gin/Ulquiorra). Before harm can come to damsel(Soukyuoku/Loli+Menoli), a no brained person will barge in and save her (Ichigo/Grimmjow)
Later, Ichigo fights against a siao gao (Kenpachi/Grimmjow) in a climatic battle spanning many many chapters that will result in an extremely close fight. The purpose of this fight is to show how Ichigo can win against someone whom, prior to the fight, was impossible to defeat, and to assure us that he is getting stronger. Ichigo wins the fight and is subsequently healed. Sometime after this fight, we will find out that there is a little girl who is much stronger than we think (Yachiru/Nel)
When there seems to be no hope, some captain level characters will suddenly show up to aid Ichigo and Nakama (Ukitake + Kyouraku + Hitsugaya+ Yoruichi /Byakuya + Mayuri + Kenpachi + Unohana) against the enemy. Despite the huge level of threat posed by the enemy, all fights are one-on-one[attributed to one of the laws of anime]
After that, Ichigo will end up battling the cold-but-silent-antagonist-that-has-been-haunting-him-from-a-visit-in-the-real-world (Byakuya, Ulquiorra). Ichigo will use his latest acquired powers to shock the antagonist (Bankai, Hollow mask). The antagonist will have the sudden urge to murder ichigo and use a second, more-powerful release (Senkei : Senbonzakura Kageyoshi/Resureccion Segundu Etapa) and bring Ichigo to the brink of death. In the zenith of the battle, the antagonist holds onto Ichigo and blasts a hole in his upper body (Byakurai/Black Cero). After which, Ichigo mutters a lame sounding mantra (Move dammit!/I will protect her) and his hollow side takes over to rape 28 kinds of ****s out of the antagonist.
Now we know that after that happens, there will be a clash of full powa from the two in the subsequent chapter, Ichigo wins and needs to tame his inner Hollow(first time/again), yay Bleach.