Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:12 pm
I screwed up chinese and english.
Failed my chinese compre, failed my test.
I feel like giving up, but maybe i just need to pass this hurdle. This very very extremely tall hurdle.
I can't even walk properly now.
Somehow, God will bring me through all this.
I will survive.
But, approach me personally, and I will make sure I keep that promise, that of to kill you
Friday, February 23, 2007 7:33 pm
Naruto Shipuuden is the <3
And yes, that is the most appropriate use of a left arrow, and a number three adjacent to it, you will ever see, and who did it? Me
Today's half day wasn't really ultilised because i still went home late.
Still, I had a hell of a time struggling with the zuowen. I took nearly two hours to write >.> And yeah, i split my milo in the mrt station, suay man.
Played soccer, well, didnt really play, just let in 9 goals and stood like a moron, then me boonbin jungui nicky jingyew went to mcdonalds to study.
I didn't study, just talked to that weird New Town girl Suzy with the guys.
Serene +
SandKingSohKhoon + Jane came to talk to us for 30 seconds. And its quite hip for girls to start swearing at me, join the bandwagon man! Hop on!
184 only took 20 minutes =O
Ready or not, here I come.
Okay, maybe not
Thursday, February 22, 2007 3:58 pm
Ya la and I'm not posting because zishuo said I don't write everyday anymore.
Okay, I saw doctor about the swelling in me left leg. Soft tissue contusion, nothing serious, its just that the bones at the front of the foot have no ligaments so there is a swelling that should last a month or two.
Maybe not "or two"
The way I see it, I have 2 choices, one is to run like everyone else and ignore the doctor's advice. Or I can sit slack and have mcdonalds breakfast and laugh at those slow people and go block them or something.
Physics CHEATSHEET TEST. Hehehehehehe, cheatsheets are useless. If I had one it wouldn't have helped much 'ne way.
I love my triple science.
Common tests are coming, and don't shorten everything to CT like a dumbtard D:
Happy birthday ferny! Sorry that I didn't remember =/
Yeah, I got too many birthdays to remember already. I don't even know when chao hsien's birthday is.
Maths today was, okay. Could get the geist of inequalities, but then like, I didn't see that picture that cherhan drew of a guy masturbating his giant penis.
Okay, I admit. I laughed at it, drew eyes on the penis, followed by transforming it into a guitar, and then signing "Ah zhai" on it. Oh, cherhan tried to pass it around class by writing "Klinsen Soh(36) 3/2 " on it. =(
The 4 slack periods were like, malay heaven. noooooo, I don't like them. But the kampong thing was quite nice to watch though. The 6 successive taps and the spam taps XD
And boonbin walks FASTER THAN ME EVEN WITH HIS CRUTCHES. wtf man, so screwed up la.
And there was some alarm that went off during bio practical. We were like double you tee eff because we were in the middle of pouring away our hydrogen peroxide, then we just zao lawl. Then we saw some class still doing test rofl. Imagine that.
Turns out it was a false alarm, so we chionged for recess, and cleared up only later.
Sunday, February 18, 2007 6:05 pm
Yay for chinese new year family gambling. I won 4 bucks =D
Wore a red long sleeved sweater + jeans + my new shoes, WHOOOOOOOOO. NEW SHOES MAN, SO BOUNCY. I was busy jumping around with my swollen feet.
Kids don't really like the prospect of going around greeting big fat scary aunts and uncles, so they invented the hongbaoBut there wasn't really a big celebrating mood in my mind, sigh.
Borat pwns end of story.

Who can believe that this is amber tan shi qi please gimme a call and we can go omgwtfbbq at it ._.
Yeah, this is the chio older sister I never had X.x
Saturday, February 17, 2007 10:54 pm
Yesterday, nan hua idol was just pure lol. A capella performance got screwed by the second guy man.
Went to play soccer
armed with our bak kua shuriken with the rest of the 2/5 guys. Ate at evertop chicken rice, which, incidentally whose advertisement i found in the new paper today.
Had loads of fun, 90 cent water ftw
Kelvin Bryan Keelun and I had a fun experience with cardboard boxes and being ki siao.
Shit happened, and we just sat down and chatted for damn long. Damn, bryan's dad looks damn, fierce.
And by demand, bryan's house is damn 1337.
Woke up today by yan's screaming, bathed and changed. Went to thomson road to buy flowers, had kuay chap for breakfast.
The day was rather uneventful, just that the dinner had large 20 minute gaps between each dish. And I hate prawns man, freaking lazy to peel. And the sea coconut dish was hot can o.<
I want to play house of the dead 4 with amber, lawl.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:06 pm
Some valentine's day.
It was more of a "give-chocolates-to-your-classmates-so-they-know-you-have-too-much-money" day. Or a "ohmyfuhgawd-lets-see-how-big-your-flower-bouquet-for-your-stead-is" day. Maybe even a "im-so-loner-because-i-dont-have-a-date =(" day
English was so pointless.
And Miss Lim is so damn horny okay. Talking about obscene potato tubes in front of innocent looking us.
Apparently we spent half the day talking about sex in class. That means bio and SS, 2 hours man. tsk tsk.
Today I also talked about "fat" girls which aren't really fat but its fun to call them anyway.
Went to eat prata and take contact lens with Jack and Joyce. Jack zilian in prata shop lol. And joyce is tubby, lol, she has all her baby fat in her cheeks. Then when I squeezed her shoulder for fun she screamed as if I groped her or something o.o
Turns out I grabbed her fats rofl
184 home was damn tiring man. And wish there was a way to tap out that 160 IQ genius inside of me, damn.
Some valentine's day.
When I take down my vizard of guise.
My eyes open to see the one whom I love.
And if my love was true,
I'd be glad it was her too.Some shit i threw together in a few minutes, this post ain't over, bleah.
Yeah, I've been totally convinced I have a split personality self that's passive all the time, never shows itself, and gives me advice. That guy is a fucking genius, and I wish he comes out more often.
Though I daresay everyone would hate me if he did, all he does is find fault and scold me =(
Maybe I watch too much bleach. But my inner personality isn't evil, he's just too smart for his own good okay.
And maybe I should feel sad that i'm a cblonerking lolol. Nah, 15 years, I'm just waiting for that accident to happen man.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:30 pm
We went through the imba formulae method of solving quadratic equations. Its so fun man, square root of negative 107 D:
Then uhhh, just passed the 听写 benny gave, like 11/20. I didn't know how to write 弱肉强食 can. I thought it was something 01350917359071350897 times more cheem.
That is, assuming your chinese is around my standard. boo hoo.
Sec ones! You all better wake up your idea understand? If not later I treat you 50 western meal and make you run until your backside pok diao. N@b£i ch£e f*(KNah just joking la, you guys just need to stop fooling around =D
So, I bought hoongjia green tea today. Rofl, funny mortal sia. Entertain me rather than the other way round. And I bought because I was too lazy to get him a present.
So tomorrow is the supposed V-day. the one which I bitched about last year because people celebrate friendship on that day because they're not getting any sex. Yeah, I'm still kind of anti-friendship valentine guy.
Spending it alone maybe isn't half bad. Just a day to relax, buy some food,
sit at the com the whole day and stone while you watch people you know date and burn monehI am soo glad I'm single.
Sunday, February 11, 2007 12:05 am
too bad I wasn't there to witness 32 out of the 47 years of your current life D: Have fun =D
Just bbqed. Spammed chicken wings and satay and MARSHMALLOWS OMFG. THEY ARE THE SEX MAN. I ATE LIKE 50 BILLION OF THEM.
I also ate half a watermelon and 3 packets of instant noodles, spicy mushroom ramen, to be precise.
Feel like eating at long john silvers tomorrow, haven't eaten out alone in a while, haha. OH YAY IM A LONER. *plays Boulevard of Broken dreams*
*I walk alone I walk alone... *
Christine entertained me with her rather, titanic outburst at the mention of fallout boy coming to singapore. she likes to refer to money as "moolah" as opposed to our usual "money" or "cash". And she's more vulgar than me, YES, ITS TRUE I TELL YOU.
I also think she's lesbian O=
loool lesbians are hawt. nah, not really, there are the hot ones and there are teh fugly ones.
Let me break down as many members of 302 in the most succint way possible.
Sihua - angsty lol
Zhiwei - fun
cherhan - phlegmatic
simin - nice
jeremiah - pwnage
kendric - kind
jieming - stressed out
songmong - forgetful
liyin - stupid (ahem, 3 litres of blood flowing out of where?)
jessabelle - homicidal (SHE DRANK HER BROTHER)
rouhui - emo lesbian vampire
tan wei qing CHRISTINE - see above
jieqiang - heroic
hoongjia - lol, just pure lol
fishy - dead X.x
note i only mentioned those whom existed.
Of course Benny tops the charts any day.
I want more chinese lessons! =(
Thursday, February 08, 2007 7:35 pm
Had the weirdest ass dream last night.
My whole life became a genocide. Mom and Dad got shot and I had an older sister. Yan died while investigating the cause. Sis went into depression and I sold the house and bought us another one to tide over costs.
I carried a gun to school everyday in hopes of finding their killers, but I never did. News came that Joyce died, and at that point I realised the value of life, how a dead person would never come back.
My last suspect was nicky, whom i attempted to kill but stopped after missing the first shot. He, like many others in our school, had his family members killed.
The solitude and freedom of living alone was new, but all too alien. I couldn't do anything about my family's demise.
Many people committed suicide off nan hua campus due to their inability to control their emotions.
I shot dead many whom I despised, that jiao bin, one of his accomplices, the many people whom degraded BB,
and that bitch.
I was a hunter, an unthinking and unfeeling one, consumed by the darkness of revenge. The desire was simply all too great.
I had finally found the assailant, but only to fall to him.
The pulsating rage I had as he turned off the parade square lights, the anticipation in the dark where i could not see, and the final flash of light into my eyes. I had been hit.
As i took a third person view of my body falling in the parade square ground, it was a sight of pure desperation. But I woke up.
Appear before me and you shall perish.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007 2:43 pm
Oh yes, my blog is one year old!
Wow, but im like late for 3 days, didn't realise huh.
Anyway, the 2 tests are gone, no more common test simulation, though the real thing is in 2 weeks time. fuck it lol.
Liyin is teh uncute/not-cute lawl.
Anyway, hoongjia can moonwalk, HOW COOL IS THAT? DAMNNNNNNNN
Benny did some game with us, then it turned out the 成语 would be words for our 听写. Wtf right? 听写? o_________o
and OH yeah, miss chain is losing her split personality. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Peaceful chem lessons FTW. FOR THE WIN man.
Anyone wants to go for a date with me? Like, next wednesday, feel free to ask or sms ;D i'll pay so long as it isn't exactly cuisine.
Hardy har har. I wish I could fly. Just imagine.
I want to cross borders
I hate the ocean
It harbors life, but brings death.
Death, more than one would expect.
Wielding a poisonous sting easily seen through.
But only fools fall to its bite.
To conquer this hatred, one must be impartial to death.
Monday, February 05, 2007 8:27 pm
When will I ever have the strength and courage to help my friends?
Sunday, February 04, 2007 9:42 pm
The heart is a bloom
Shoots up through the stony ground
There's no room
No space to rent in this town
You're out of luck
And the reason that you had to care
The traffic is stuck
And you're not moving anywhere
You thought you'd found a friend
To take you out of this place
Someone you could lend a hand
In return for grace
It's a beautiful day
Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
You're on the road
But you've got no destination
You're in the mud
In the maze of her imagination
You love this town
Even if that doesn't ring true
You've been all over
And it's been all over you
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
It's a beautiful day
Touch me
Take me to that other place
Teach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case
See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out
It was a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day
Touch me
Take me to that other place
Reach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case
What you don't have you don't need it now
What you don't know you can feel it somehow
What you don't have you don't need it now
Don't need it now
Was a beautiful day
When february 14th comes, archers get busy