Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:40 am
Yesterday, went to school to find mr cheng for my ticket. Hah, found him, kept referring to myself as nicky's friend LOL. Then he thought I was called "jansen"=/ Uniform sales weren't up so I went to central, found serene and jack, went to buy the last breakfast meals of the day, and then took 184 to my house.
First thing family guy and southpark LOL. MAH BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLS *splat*
So then we went down to play basketball, only the guys la, we 4 v 4 some other people, freaking gay one. I moving screen like 50 - 60 times LOL. Imagine how many shots they have if they count foul la. The end score was 8 balls to 11. so I guess we did okay because Jack and me can't play THAT well.
We had lunch of fried rice and pizza, went to dota and play a bit of xbox while serene slept like a little piggy on my bed. Nicky was jealous of my bolster XD imagine.
We all bathed and changed and took 184 to clementi to meet amanda and jiayu.
Serene motioned to them right, then they EXITED the station to talk to us, then Amanda wasted 45 cents for nothing, sorry girl. D:
Went to mcdonalds(again) to eat something light. Then took the new mrt train to roffles place mrt and nearly got lost after a big race for time.
We had to walk fast but serene and jiayu were wearing heels, if not the guys confirm chiong damn fast. =/
The concert started soon enough( don't wanna elaborate on the miss chng thing LOL), the whole thing was damn disorganised if you ask me. Guzheng isn't a good opener for a concert. The lighting was a bit screwed also, they should've put a bigger spotlight on the duets/quintets. At least you magnify them a bit, and they still cramp them at a corner and spoil the music by placing it near the microphone amplifiers.
Call me bitchy but I felt it ruined the whole thing, choir was okay, just that they had a few weird characters. Like the girl who looked like JOHN. WTFWTFWTF I swear its true.
Band, sigh. It was really disappointing la, the likes of Bee Gees hits being parodied into an orchestra band just didn't let me feel good. Sorry Elena, if I hurt your feelings or what, that's my opinion, and I feel that you should at least acknowledge it.
The life of the whole thing came from the Chinese Orchestra, at least that's what I thought. Okay, the pipa duet and the erhu sextet was really THE shitnitz. I just liked the mass performance, it really woke me up from the slumber Guzheng had put me into.
We all then left the concert hall, cherhan went with other people, amanda took mrt back home, and we wandered along the singapore river until we reached CHINATOWN.
We went down one exit of Clarke Quay MRT and decided to take pictures in the spooky long corridor reminiscent of Goldman building in house of the dead 4. BIKER GANG FTW ;D ;D MRTED all the way to clementi, and then ate 肉骨茶 and chionged home with yishuo.
Nicky and serene decided to leave their things at my house, was okay, I followed yishuo down cashew road until he went up the bus, then took a depressing tiring walk home to blog right now.
It's been a hard day and night,
And I've been working walking like a dog.
It's been a hard day and night,
I should be sleeping like a log
It's been a hard, day and nightBut I still love you.
Monday, November 27, 2006 7:16 pm
Yishuo came for soccer today @.@
Met him at clementi central then headed to mcdonalds to wait for nicky, who had woken up at 10 plus. Bought a sausage mcmuffin + coffee for 2 bucks. Then yijo chiong his muffin lol, cherhan came in his NCC shirt.
Had some retarded conversations before nicky came. Then he ate, and forgot to bring a shit lot of stuff. Money, ball, present, LOL. Owned, he even forgot to bring socks, then we went to the bata to buy.
Played some basketball at the start. Then it began raining before it could do anything, afked at the coffee shop while checking cultural potpourri tickets. The Anchovy fried rice owns lol.
The games were damn fun, especially with the flooded corner, then whichever team i played for lost T.T
Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:55 pm
Its fun to stay at the
Like shit, so freaking hard to play la. Had a headache after listening to all those hi-hats openings.
Went to Mos for dinner and had the vegetarian croquette burger, tasted like a curry puff though =/ hmmm.
I hate the traffic at orchard man, sucks assssssssss. Waited so damn long just to move from Tangs to Orchard Emerald. Then had to go back, argh.
Sucked at house of the dead, didn't even get to empress. I'm a sad sad man.
Got home pretty late, started watching family guy DVD rips, heh. 3 outings in a row and im OWNING.
Saturday, November 25, 2006 7:36 pm
Yesterday, was at canteen and got chicken chop fried rice for Nicky. He didn't know have LOL.
We took 154 to jurong area, the whole bus ride felt like going overseas, menopausal driver also ._.
Chinese garden pagodas, OMG WE'RE AT CHINA NOW! Lol. The mist contributed to the atmosphere.
Dropped at the 5th or 6th bus stop along yuan ching road, walked damn far ahead to get to Tah Ching Road, found the flats and met cherhan, JACKPOT LOL! Then we took the lift to 20th floor and left the present in the dry riser as apparently no one was at home.
(Truth was, Serene's maid was at home, but seeing Cherhan's gestures and Nicky's dog tag, I could see why she didn't open the door)
Then we took a long ass road walk to the superbowl. @.@ saw some stuff, kids got owned by drain, Jurong secondary school open house, blah. superbowl camped there to play 1 pathetic game of pool. Then took 154 back with nicky.
Woke up at 6am to bathe in freaking cold water today.
Went to school to find NO ONE THERE. Marcus arrived 2 minutes later with yiyang whom disappeared. We sat for 20 minutes until the rest came, save keith liangjie dekguan clarence and CHIHO. WHO WAS IN CHARGE OF OUR DAMN BOOTH.
It was after a struggle that we managed to get the bbroom open and set up the displays.
Watched some performances, strafed a bow for lyesim and pretended to get hit by arrows. lol damn fun. Saw reruns of the performances by the same damn groups over and over again. Serene came just as nicky's eye got owned LOL.
We went to walk around, saw the performances by NCC and NP, then we went to the back of the classrooms to see them get scolded or something, couldn't tell what was happening due to the distance.
Stayed back to watch nicky play basketball, yishuo got owned by chilung wtf. His specs broke, poor guy, i think chilung freaking overreact.
Went to mcdonalds in the rain for dai di, LMAO. Serene left and so did the 3 of us, then I saw mom on the 184, whoo.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:22 pm
Woke up
with you its dawning, I'm still alive at like 7am! WTH
Braved the peak hour crowds on a 184 to get to clementi, urgh damn tiring. Then rushed onto the MRT to make sure I was on time.
First person I saw was hsien hsen, I waved hi and ran to the toilet, where I stooled in a 2m x 1m x 2m cubicle(which is freaking small). I had a hard time getting out.
Jack came soon enough, although 15 minutes late, nicky had called to say he had just left his house, which was a big @.@ for the two of us.
BB guys left first, then when Nicky came, those 3 guys(Brandon, Kengkang and Brian, those 2 B's are twins) came asking us if we knew JT like some gangsters that failed the entry test and never made it to the big guns.
Either way, I brought them over and then identified them as pushovers for dota due to their speech.
Dominated the dota games, choose Rogueknight for the first, score was 10 - 5. Then ar'ed Drow, score was 9 - 8 lmao. Nicky got holy shit for all the games, Jack was furiously unintentionally being ksed by all of his teammates.
After that, gathered outside TCT, a bit unexpected stuff, must've been uncomfortable for them =/
Lunched at KFC, nicky could've scammed a pepsi lol.
Took 961 to queensway, dekguan samuel and hsienhsen were taking to play more LAN XD. can you imagine? @.@
Till that point I was still dulan at the twins for swearing constantly at JT.
Queensway is OMFG after getting used to prices at Orchard. $7.90 for simple design tees wtf. And I got an olive doublelayered long sleeve top after nicky and jack convinced me to buy so nicky could save $4 D: but I like it lol, Nicky's white shirt looks great on him too.
Jack got a black shirt and I think he likes black now, wait, CAPTAIN OBVIOUS TO THE RESCUE, he said that himself ._.
Then I managed to get my cheapass Nike bag, cool, good space, comfy to carry and looks great too. All for just
$54.60 $46.
Here's the story, this shop assistant sees me carrying the bag around, asks "Lemme see" and then takes the bag away. I stand there with a >_O look on my face until he comes back and gives me a discount for no apparent reason.
Nicky went to get his Kappa shoe, and then we sat at the laksa bar watching him eat while I sipped flaming teh tarik. Took me longer to finish a small cup of drink than Nicky to finish one bowl of laksa.
So who says guys can't go shopping? ;D
Monday, November 20, 2006 11:34 am
When I'm bored I go people's blogs and find quizzes
1.How tall are you?; 1.68 +
2. Have you ever been unfaithful in a relationship? No? Because I've never been a decent one?
3. Do you own a gun?; My tongue is close enough, wanna try?
4. If you had a mental disorder, what would it be?; split personality disorder
5. How many letters are in your crush's name?; Iono, somewhere between 6 - 9? Whichever is correct
6. What do you think of hot dogs?; Could have been shaped better
7. What's your favorite christmas song?; A Peter Griffin Christmas :D
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?; Anything milky or caffein-ish
9. Do you do push-ups?; When I feel like it
10. Have you ever done ecstasy?; I'd rather do crack, which I'd actually never do at all.
11. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? :/
12. Do you like the rain?; I generally hate the rain
13.Do you own a knife?; You want me to pull it on you?
14. What do you smell like?: Me?
15. Do you have A.D.D.?[attention deficit disorder]; Nah, my hearing just sucks.
16. Full initials?; KSXW, sounds robot-ish.
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.; #1 WTF lethargy #2 FUCK YOU ASIASOFT #3 Aww come on, GET OUT OF MY HEAD PLS.
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought today?; My friend's attention, a virtual takoyaki, and nothing =/
19. Name five drinks you regularly drink, in order most to least.; Water, Milk Tea, Coke, Ice Milo, Sparkling H2O lmao.
20. What time did you wake up today?; *checks phone* 8.19
21. Can you spell?; oMgAwD I kInnoRT
22. Current worry?; What to buy for Christmas presents =/
24. Favorite place to be?; In her arms ;D
25. Least favorite place to be?; In hell
26. Where would you like to go?; Far far away
27. Do you own slippers?; Yeah
28. What do you think you'll be ?; A guy that's
good to his sperm a great father.
29. Do you burn or tan?; Tan
30.Yellow or blue?; Blue
31. Would you be a pirate?; Aye, ye got the Devil's fruit matey?
32.Last time your cell rang?; This morning, at 8.19
33. What songs do you sing in the shower?; Yume ni made mita you na sekai de.. ;D
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?; SADAKO OMFG
35. What's in your pocket right now?; Air
36. Last thing that made you laugh?: THE DANCING JESUS ON FAMILY GUY
37. Best bed sheets you had as a child?; Some greenish bear thingy
38. Worst injury you've ever had?; The quintannual head injuries
39. What is your GPA?; What on earth ins a GPA
40. How many TVs do you have in your house?; 2
41. Who is your loudest friend?; LeeYiShuo
42. Who is your most silent friend?; Cherhan
43. Does someone have a crush on you?; Maybe, but then again maybe pigs can fly and Satan has a vagina.
44. Do you wish on stars?; I wish on THE Star Type 0001
45. What is your favorite book?; The Da Vinci Code
46. What song did you last hear?; Baby its you
49. What were you doing 12AM last night?; Pretending to sleep.
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?; Cb la who sms me so early in the morning?
9:30 am
I had this REALLY weird ass dream yesterday.
I dreamt that Nan Hua constructed an additional wing in its building roughly equivalent to 3 times its current size (YEAH, WTF MAN). This wing would house a lot of facilities including the , get this, SKY GARDEN RUNNING TRACK.
The girls had their uniforms changed to some black flared skirt or something.
And then, the worse part was that many cca's had been dispersed(including bb), most low-profile teachers had been fired, and classes were not grouped according to course code, but rather PREFERENCE.
So I happened to be an all boys class (which is impossible), that contained people such as
- Yishuo
- Chaohsien
- Cherhan
- Nicky
- Basically the entire C div basketball team(i don't know why)
- Ervin(Cherhan's friend, Don't know why he popped out of nowhere into our school)
- Joel
- Jack
- Jerome
- Zhipeng
- Various other people from group X and U in NDP
- Weijie
- Xinzhi and the rest of those 2/8 kakis.
- Craigven
- Some random 2/9 people who played dota
- Some random 2/10 people who played dota/soccer
- Some random 2/12 people who played dota.
- And to top it off, Jingyew. (I'm not kidding, he really was in there)
Somehow, neither 2/11 guys weren't in my class, even though it was odd to have tablet pc classmates in the first place.
The rest of our year's cohort was distributed as evenly as possible via course code, forming otherwise the less than exciting classes. Our classroom was sandwiched between 2 classes, a class of outcasts/suspected homosexuals, and an all girls class.
The all girls class was quite, amazing. A compilation of anyone in the all boys class liked(Serene, Judith) plus a few random hotties with their friends thrown in. Eye candy whoo ;D
Too bad Nan hua didn't have a lot to start with.
Then recesses were 45 minutes, because the new wing was too damn big. The guys would all sit down and mass order from one random stall. A 10 minute wait and everything was done. After eating, we would all proceed to the volleyball/basketball court to play sports. Those who were better at them would teach those who didn't know how to/couldn't play. Then that was really class bonding, and I felt that it was fun(even though it was just a dream).
It was quite entertaining to see a class of guys having fun while the girls watched at the adjacent canteen. Too bad for those who can't really play well(aka me). D:
Of course, Jingyew refused to budge from the classroom despite me and a few other compassionate ones trying to convince him.
Me and Chao, with anyone who wanted to, would run 2.4 at the end of the day, with Chao refusing to use "Foo's garden" and sticking to the old route. Then, at the end, we would pia homework, just in case. After going home, I would like watch TV. Have dinner until about 7. Then read some chinese text until 8, then logon for dota inhouses with my classmates.
Close to perfect.
I remember on the 2nd day of that school, the girls had already blended themselves to mix around and form all sorts of different gangs altogether. A specific group would always walk past our classroom on the way to the toilet and laugh at some people like yishuo.
Sadly to say, I was known as the homework h4xx0r. Any questions about bio/physics people would come and ask me straightaway, whether I knew it or not.
As for the teachers? The all boys class and all girls class happened to share teachers that were somehow mostly retained from sec 2 teachers. Physics - Miss Wong, Chinese and Form for girls - Benny, English- MR TEO LOL, Bio - Miss Chng, Geog* - Mr Tan, Chem - Mr See, History* - Miss Tan, PE - Mr Chee. Social studies - Mr Yeo. Maths and form for Guys - B lim. Yishuo's lit teacher remained unknown.
Basically we had a lot of good-if-you-know-how-to-appreciate teachers, with some great ones added to the mix. Take that 2/5 '06, you useless shits get useless teachers ;D
One of the few short remarkable dream sequences was Nicky coming to me asking "Have you seen Serene? This place too fucking big"
Boners in classroom everyone? Now with yishuo sitting near the centre of the classroom, the whole classroom erupts in laughter with the teacher none the wiser.
Another one was all the Bleach fans, at the fast-forwarded end of sec 4, standing in a line with arms over each other shoulders singing an english version of Baby its you. Hey, it was nice la. Then I imagined(in the dream) the same people doing that 20 years down the road with beer mugs in hand.
Rolling Star was also chosen as the theme song for the class. Despite it being Japanese, I'm not sure if this'd happen in real life, but I guess the rock is quite good. We don't care.
The class was 3/2 in my dream, hardly any significance. I think.
Sunday, November 19, 2006 8:47 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERHAN YOU BIATCH Got woken up by mom to go bukit panjang plaza to buy ntuc stuff.
Wow, I think I'm going to tuck in to some coconut yoghurt now. No, I'm not kidding, it rocks.
Then came home to have some pointless discussion with nicky and cherhan about his birthday stuff.
In the end, went for drum as per normal.
Lol pwnage.
So your final dress piece was a Kate look-alike. Hot.
Then I saw Dekguan and houxu at park mall bus stop la wtf. Then took 700 to bukitpanjangplaza. Then got the carlsberg from yannick. Ate at KFC, sucks. Should've went Long John.
Went to the DIY store and got my black spraypaint. Then waited damn long before Cherhan and Ervin came. Mom and Dad had called earlier to fetch me. I was panicking away until I finally procrastinated enough to get scott free.
Finally ;D
Saturday, November 18, 2006 11:00 am
Its been about 12 hours so I guess Serene has touchdowned to New Zealand. Direct flights seem okay imo, New Zealand isn't that far.
Mom broke her promise - again. To take me to buy a bag and apply for contact lens, this is almost the 8th time this year. Which is a lot, actually.
NARUTO FILLERS STILL GO ON! THE PAIN, OMG! HELP! I saw the OVA for Narutimate hero 3 though, damn retarded.
Yoshi is the fucking weakest bounto ever because she gets pwnt by a single Quincy arrow.
And I'm tired, $65 in my wallet now and I have nothing to do - really. That's like ohemeffgee.
Apparently, MapleSEA has Jipang now, maybe I'll check it out or something. Hope those below level 80 noobs don't try anything stupid there. ANEGO FTW.
For a brief history of Stewie's head shape,
click here for a short explanatory video.
Thursday, November 16, 2006 5:01 pm
- I enjoy playing drums and have thought about going professional.
- I have watched at least 10 different animes in my life.
- I have a great wardrobe because my mom helps me with it.
- I don't mind if my room is messy.
- I hate emos, goths, and twits.
- 1337 people are fine though.
- I've once appreciated ogling at women.
- I've once appreciated ogling at women naked.
- I have achieved at least 3/4 of the level cap in 3 online games(that includes maplestory, 150 FTW)
- I'm jobless ;D
- I've bought my books for sec 3 already(kanina damn kancheong lol)
- I love food ;D
- I'm feeling cold now
- I get ticked off by inconsiderate people.
- I couldn't give less than half a shit about less than credible buskers.
- I liked my sec 2 class and still do.
- I'm gay
- I blog because i feel like it
- I sleep at least 7 hours a day.
- I like show spoofs.
Going to dota later, applying for contact lens and getting a new bag this weekend, whoo.
Talk about no content post.
Had some retarded dream that my hongkong flight was moved up 3 weeks earlier.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 6:05 pm
Soccer with the guys today!
Went to clementi central at 11, 1/2 an hour early because of the chiongster 184.
Bought Vanilla red tea, sounds weird, but it are teh own. Tastes like a charm ;D
Went to print out my 1337 h4xx0rz coupon of doom at the mcdonalds touchscreen machine-thingy. Got a Mcwings and Double Cheeseburger. Then I walked to try and find nicky at the mrt, but he had apparently been in the mcdonalds the whole time.
We ate, and then cherhan came. We had some discussion about porn after we finished(which, by the way, none of us actually finished all our food, Nicky left 1/8th of his burger and fries, I was left with 1 wing). Then we went over to the street soccer court.
Jack greeted us with a big "OMG?" after we came. Screams of '老大 !' could be heard. And we joined in. Finally.
I realised through all the games, I couldn't keep for fuck. Zishuo came after that, dua pai guy :O
The games continued, Eddie was nailed in the balls by zishuo's leg o.o ouch, he went all the way down. Then there were 3 sick malay boys who prawned us at the start. But with a decent team of Nicky, Cherhan, Eddie, and Jack, we won.
Screw their no life soccer asses.
Mr Ng turned up and it began to rain - immediately, we went over to the nearby "Kopitiam"(insert trademark sign here). Mr Ng treated us fries even though we unsuccessfuly tried to convince him to pay for our drink.
Everyone ate but I wasn't hungry, settled for a coke. The fries were amazing though, even though 1 plate was like 5 bucks. Damn good.
The games continued after that. Jerome and Weiliat came. Kicking, kicking, laughing, more laughing at retarded moves by us. Kelvin went back. Mr Ng's brother came. Whee shuffle.
Then there was this guy who joined us wearing a home united t-shirt. In the end he was shit, lol. Dancing with the ball with his arms in a capoeira-style stance with his fingers folded in like spider man. He looked more retarded than professional. Zhipeng and I laughed away at him.
Then I sat down and talked about random stuff with weijiang and yisen. Shot 2 hoops with the rubber basketball(the small tiny one), lmao, missed badly anyway. Til I left, I didn't see the "shit" at the corner of the court at all.
Chan, nicky, jack and I left first. Then we went to buy drinks at the MRT. Sat down, h4xed cherhan a free toilet trip. Then walked to the
Iforgotwhat'sthenameofthestallbecauseitdidn'thaveasignlasttime and bought some eggtarts and cheese pies. Took a crampy 184 back.
They tasted as sweet as you Aaaanyway. Quiz time?
One. Think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself. And they've gotta be true.
Two. Come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of believability.
Three. Jumble them all up together and list them in any order.
Four. Post them on your blog and let people guess which the five false ones are!
Five. Get 5 others to do the same.
Let's shoot.
- I enjoy playing drums and have thought about going professional.
- I have watched at least 10 different animes in my life.
- I have a great wardrobe because my mom helps me with it.
- I don't mind if my room is messy.
- I hate emos, goths, and twits.
- 1337 people are fine though.
- I've appreciated ogling at women.
- I've appreciated ogling at women naked.
- I have achieved at least 3/4 of the level cap in 3 online games(that includes maplestory, 150 FTW)
- I'm jobless ;D
- I've bought my books for sec 3 already(kanina damn kancheong lol)
- I love food ;D
- I'm feeling cold now
- I get ticked off by inconsiderate people.
- I couldn't give less than half a shit about less than credible buskers.
- I liked my sec 2 class and still do.
- I'm gay
- I blog because i feel like it
- I sleep at least 7 hours a day.
- I like show spoofs.
Bleah, super obvious
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 10:46 pm
Forgot my lanyard on the way to school after boarding the 184 which coincidentally Victoria was on. Took a cab and CHIONGED. Nice driver btw. Roaaaarrrr.
I thought I was late because everyone had sat down in 3 ranks, thank god I wasn't.
Swimming stage 1 Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hastily put the badge on and waited. Soon we fell in and began those retarded rehearsals.
Miss Yeo came an hour late so it REALLY HELPED.
There were so much things to joke about, like imagining a random guy shouting "Good morning Sir/Obesity/Ma'am
s!" to Miss Yeo. Then Weimin's weird commanding lol.
In the end, pawned.
Great God who knows us all our needs
Bless thou our watch, and guard our sleep.
Forgive our sins of thoughts and deeds.
And in thy peace, thy servants keep.
We thank thee for the day, that's done.
We trust thee for the days to be
Thy love we learn'ed in Christ thy son
Oh may we all his Glories See
Monday, November 13, 2006 7:17 pm
I run with a thirsting heart
I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything at all.
Couldn't even share your pain
You wouldn't let me a chance..
To live innocently, and never look back
I turn my back, and depart
On this lonely rail.
I'm gonna, follow you through
No matter what the pain
Through the darkness of this world if I have to
Cause you'll be there to shine the way
Past the end of the future
I won't let weakness break down my soul
Its my way
I'll bring it all together now
God bless the two of us
You were there..
So was I, and everyone else.. had vanished
I picture the beauty of this fading dream
While tracing over my scars.
That's why..
I'm gonna
follow you through
No matter what the pain
Through the darkness of this world if I have to
Cause you'll be there to shine the way
Past the end of the future
I won't let weakness break down my soul
Its my way
I'll bring it all together now
And all this, God knowsWhee God Knows.
Lmao, working hard now.
Sunday, November 12, 2006 8:36 pm
Your Values Profile |
You value loyalty a fair amount. You're loyal to your friends... to a point. But if they cross you, you will reconsider your loyalties. Staying true to others is important to you, but you also stay true to yourself.
You don't really value honesty. You do value getting your way, no matter what. And if a little lying is required to do that, no problem. A few white lies never hurt anyone (at least, that's what you tell yourself!)
You value generosity a fair amount. You are all about giving, as long as there's some give and take. Supportive and kind, you don't mind helping out a friend in need. But you know when you've given too much. You have no problem saying "no"!
You value humility a fair amount. You tend to be an easy going, humble person. But occasionally your ego takes over. You have a slight competitive streak - and the need to be the best.
You value tolerance a fair amount. You are open to new cultures, beliefs, and ideas. You have very few prejudices that you're aware of. And while you are tolerant, you do stand true to what you believe. |
Your Sloth Quotient: 52% |
 You're definitely lazier than the average person, but you're able to live a somewhat normal life. All your life needs is a little more effort and variety, and you might see that doing hard things is actually fun! |
The Keys to Your Heart |
 You are attracted to good manners and elegance.
In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell.
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
Your Love Number is 1 |
 You tend to be a stubborn lover, holding your ground in every argument You take your time falling in love. You aren't the type to lose perspective. You are loyal (to a fault), and you require the same loyalty in your sweetheart. At your best, you are a wise and inspiring partner - who sticks around. |
You Are Smokin' Hot |
 You're a terrible flirt, a sharp dresser, and a party animal. Of course, you're totally sizzling too. And for you, being hot just comes naturally. |
Yeah, I know,
WTF. But does anyone agree? ;D
You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream |
 You are kind, popular, and generous. You tend to be successful at anything you try. A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.
You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream. |
You Are 55% Normal |
 While some of your behavior is quite normal... Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
Your Blogging Type is Artistic and Passionate |
 You see your blog as the ultimate personal expression - and work hard to make it great. One moment you may be working on a new dramatic design for your blog... And the next, you're passionately writing about your pet causes. Your blog is very important - and you're careful about who you share it with. |
Your EQ is 93 |
 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
You Are an Indie Rocker! |
 You are in it for the love of the music... And you couldn't care less about being signed by a big label. You're all about loving and supporting music - not commercial success. You may not have the fame and glory, but you have complete control of your career. |
Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino |
 Smooth and sweet, you fit in to almost any crowd. No one would suspect you of being a coffee tweaker! |
You Are 80% Bipolar |
 You're more than moody - you're a bit unstable. If your mood swings are effecting your life, you may need to seek help. |
Your Personality Profile |
 You are nurturing, kind, and lucky. Like mother nature, you want to help everyone. You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive.
A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker. You are good natured and people enjoy your company. You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you. |
Your World View |
You are a moralist with conventional ideas, which some people would call old-fashioned. You probably think that most of the world falls badly below your standards. Your inhibitions and sense of guilt are in the way of your happiness.
You think that people tend to use sex for evil, as a weapon. Your parents probably played a big part in the formation of such a guilt complex as yours. Your mind is in chains, and it's time you did something to free it. |
You Are 60% Brutally Honest |
 Honesty is important to you, but generally, you try not to be brutal about it. You'll sugar coat the truth when you need to... and tell a white lie when necessary. |
You Should Get a MBA (Masters of Business Administration) |
 You're a self starter with a drive for success. You'd make a great entrepreneur. |
Your Inner Child Is Naughty |
 Like a child, you tend to discount social rules. It's just too much fun to break the rules! You love trouble - and it seems that trouble loves you. And no matter what, you refuse to grow up! |
Your Candy Heart Says "Cutie Pie" |
 You always seem to have a hot date, even though you never try to meet anyone. A total charmer, you have a natural appeal that keeps you in high demand.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: multiple dates with multiple people
Your flirting style: 100% natural
What turns you off: serious relationship talks
Why you're hot: you're totally addicting |
Actually I'm pretty shocked at some of the results, but who cares? This is the internet.
6:55 pm
Saw Serene's blog, and was bored so.... yeah
A-Damn good kisser
B-Good all around person
C-You're wild and crazy
D-You have one of the best personalities ever
E-You have a nice butt MY ASSF-People totally adore you
G-You never let people tell you what to do
H-You have a very good personality and looks
I-You get hyper easilyJ-Everyone loves me
K-You like to try new things
L-You like to have funM-Success comes easily to you
N-You are absolutely beautifulO-You're an awesome person
P-You are popular with all types of people
Q-You are a hypocrite
S-Easy to fall in love withT-You're loyal to those you love
U-You really like to chill
V-You are not judgemental
W-You are very broad minded
X-You never let people tell you what to do
Y-One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for
Z-You're a little too hard to find
Wow, apparently I'm easy to fall in love with, get hyper easily, love to try out new stuff and have fun, absolutely hawt and have a nice ass. Wow, WOW, for accuracy >_>
Woke up damn late - again.
Ate breakfast that came exactly the same time as I stepped out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth. Nearly couldn't finish, God knows why.
Went back to sleep again, all the way until 12+, where I decided to bathe way too early. Afked-from life until 2.15 then left the house.
Yeah, being nice to people has no rewards in return. Karma sucks and does not exist.
After reaching Dhoby Xchange, I used the l337 h4xx0rz voucher for $30 in my tapZ, whee hacking. Played time crisis 4 until 2nd stage area 1, ouchies. Stupid
terror bites bugs.
Went for drum, played the mini tune 4 on my textbook! Whooooo, so 80's yet so fun to play. Especially the chorus. Take advice, if any of you is getting a drum set you'd better get like 14 cymbals and put them all around, especially if you're bringing it around on tour.
Played metal slug 6 after that. Okay, Clark sucks. I'm sticking with Ralf, no instant death, lmao. I can't do the gattling punch or the argentinian backbreaker though.
Maybe I need help.
Also, I skipped house of the dead 4, wheee.
Saturday, November 11, 2006 5:39 pm
Thank you Amber Tan Shi Qi for featuring my comments on your blog. Roflmao
Linked you by the way D: if you ever find this blog. It's quite embarassing to seem like a total different personality from when I'm talking to you, but dammit, its hard to lie to everyone.
I guess 205'06 really made me from a 12 year old to a 6 year old to a 15 year old. Kind of stupid. Now that I think about it, I hate this class.
Someone can tell me where to buy spraypaint? Especially for those shirts one, I want that.
Just came back from the Cashew Heights Annual General Meeting, or CHAGM. I left halfway because I wasn't about to listen to this crazy bugger called Mr. Foo attack the council obviously over and over again. He's damn sad.
And apparently, it costs $1.25 million to repaint my estate and I can not say anything as a minor if not I can be sent to jail O.O
And in a month's time, the holiday season will arrive and everyone will be preparing for christmas! When I'm leaving for HongKong >_>
Tomorrow's drum lesson and I still haven't remembered the 3 written rhythmic articulation bars =/ GG Klinsen.
I'm starting to get bored of quizzes, I did like god knows how many and then I stopped feeling the need to do. I guess the only other ones that I can do are rather obscene and obviously won't give a good impression to you kids.
But, the blog must carry on.
Anyway go to
Mr Brown's website and PUH LEASE DOWNLOAD his podcasts to get a life.
11:30 am
Your IQ Is 115 |
 Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Exceptional |
You Are 21 Years Old |
 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
 You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well. An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly. You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view. A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. |
Your Eyes Should Be Green |
 Your eyes reflect: Striking attractiveness and danger
What's hidden behind your eyes: A vivid inner world |
Whoo favourite colour!
Your Element Is Air |
 You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world. And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life. You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person. With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that! |
Whoo air!
Your Animal Personality |
 Your Power Animal: Eagle
Animal You Were in a Past Life: Whale
You are active, a challenger, and optimistic. Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal. |
You Are Lightning |
 Beautiful yet dangerous People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performing |
I'm addicted to blogthings already. I think I'll like post more when I have more time and less content.
Labels: More blogthings =/
Friday, November 10, 2006 7:17 pm
Never Date a Leo |
 Dramatic, egotistical, and emotional - a Leo is way too high maintenance for you! And forget about a quick fling with an alluring Leo. It's either everything or nothing with this sign!
Instead try dating: Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, or Cancer |
You Are 4: The Individualist |
You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.
You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.
You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.
Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel. |
You Are Fish |
 You have a well formed palate and a daring appetite. If it's served to you, you'll at least try it. People are pretty scared of your exotic ways. But once they get a taste of you, they're addicted! |
You Are 70% Psychic |
 You are pretty psychic. While you aren't Miss Cleo, you've got a little ESP going on. And although you're sometimes off on your predictions... You're more often right than wrong So go with your instincts - you know more than you think |
Your Career Type: Social |
 You are helpful, friendly, and trustworthy. Your talents lie in teaching, nursing, giving information, and solving social problems.
You would make an excellent:
Counselor - Dental Hygienist - Librarian Nurse - Parole Officer - Personal Trainer Physical Therapist - Social Worker - Teacher
The worst career options for your are realistic careers, like truck driver or farmer. |
You Are A Realistic Romantic |
 It's easy for you to get swept away by romance... But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective. You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line! |
You Are a Pundit Blogger! |
 Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read. Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few |
Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover |
 You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you! Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter. You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you.
You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover.
Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives. Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours. No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover. |
Thank you LeeYiShuo
5:13 pm
"No, I do not want to carry Mayuri on my back!"
Juuust imagine.
Went to canteen again today. Worked my butt off for $25 this time, whoo hoo!
Just wished everyone would stop paying with $50 notes though, freaking annoying.
I've been thinking what to get for everyone, and like, ugh. Getting pwnt like crazy. Let's do some calculations here.
Assuming I continue working for as many days as possible in the canteen, for the month of November I'll have 16 days, multiply that by 25
Current : 16 x 25 = 400
Cut off the days I'm on vacation in December and class chalet days, december gives me about 22 days to work in December, that's assuming mom let's me out while I'm still the maid of the house. Then again, we have to cut the number of days after the class chalet. So that gives me 9 actually.
Current : 400 + [9 x 25] = $625
I calculated, if it'd been 22 days, my budget would've been up $325.
That's IF I work as much as possible, whooo, no way man, I'm giving myself $900 tops, that was if I could warp time. Now its $600 tops.
What can one possibly get with $600?
Adding back that $25, adding my current $35, and siphoning money from my parents could get me $700. Let's save like $100 out of that, which pulls me back to a $600 budget.
At least having $600 beats staying home to pia retarded games like Maple all day and get only virtual currency that earns you slightly less than 20 times of what you could've earned in real life spending that time working. With $600 I could easily get a level 140+ account in Maplestory.
In other words,
GET A JOB people
If not, at least go help out your parents at their work, they slog their asses off for you and you should at least do something appreciative. At least I'm trying to manipulate management politics in my condominium, what are
you doing for your parents?
That's assuming your parents don't rake in $20000 worth of dough a week while sitting in their custom architechtured rooftop garden sipping VSOP while getting a tan in the adjustable sunroof of your White House Road Bungalow.
And guess what? I haven't read the Amber Spyglass yet, sorry Benny D:
Neither have I bothered to walk down to school to get my books, I'd rather save another $80 waiting for the newer editions to come out at the nearby Popular store instead of waiting to pounce on them in November when we don't need them.
Still, I'm not trying to say you shouldn't waste money and space at the same time, you're welcome to do it if you want.
Changed my blog bgm to L`arc~en~ciel's "Link" a few days back. Go search them up on youtube, lead singer has amazing vocals, drummer is super articulative, and the support bass and acoustic guitarists do a great job. Basically a damn cooperative band.
I'm still brooding over whether to trim my sideburns and fringe or not, feel like keeping them til the end of the holidays. Then cut. Hey, no one said I had to wait until I was 17 to grow my hair long. At least just give a shot now, even if its so much has 1/2 of a glimpse.
Ah yes, sleep is wonderful, wouldn't you say?
Thursday, November 09, 2006 8:16 pm
First thing this morning
was dota.
Nicholas Lim Bing Yi called me at 3am this morning to confirm if Jasline was coming to orchard. Then I told him I wasn't sure(at least I thought I did). So like, he complained(at least I thought he did). Then I hung up, saw Jasline's message.
Which was like a great big wtf for me because I had been smsing her at midnight and only got the reply 3 hours later while in bed.
Woke up again later. Dotaed.
Randomned Antimage and won yishuo with a close fight of 4 - 5. Whoo monkey king bar =)
Then left for orchard wearing the khaki long sleeved shirt. Quite nice to wear sia. Damn smooth. Then called and smsed the others while on the way. Only yishuo reached before the stated meeting time, which was 11.30. The rest of us were at least 15 minutes late.
There was a slight conflict over where to go for lunch. Serene wanted to go to BK, Yishuo wanted Long John. I was SICK of going BK over and over and over again everytime we went cine. So I voted Long John's.
Serene was real persistent so we called the remaining people, Nicky and Jasline, to see where they wanted to go. Long John's it was. Had the combo 2 with sprite, classic.
Yijo didn't bring money so we lent him, lawl. Nicky came with his hot pink shirt and dog tag, the rescue squad XD lmao.
After lunch we went over to Heeren to get Cherhan's birthday present. We eventually got a *censored until further notice* for him. Suits him sia, looks damn nice. We picked the size based on a slightly expanded version of myself.
Went to back to cine's arcade to play time crisis 1 with the lanjiao pedal that doesn't work and I eventually got pwnt by 3 rocket launcher infantry whom didn't let me reload O.O
Got owned at air hockey by nicky and serene. T.T
Watched the Prestige! A fictional movie about magicians based in the 19th century that you simple minded assclowns will not understand, bwahahaha. Lawl Nubbz, quote by LeeYiShuo, who could not sit still and upright in his seat throughout the whole movie.
Came out and then went to BK to eat eventually. Ate student meal, AGAIN. Whee. Saw Yijo's weird eating habits and his chionging. And I thought he was about to vomit into his cup again.
By the way, he spent half the day insulting Jasline who could not defend herself from them o.o
Wisma, to shop for Serene's cultural potpourri clothings, which she didn't buy in the end. There was a shop called Forever 21 we entered that sold quite good women's apparel. If I had a girl I'd send her there with a few hundred and let her come out giving me a nosebleed.
And er, we did not walk past a lingerie shop.
Then walked to Wheelock place to drop Jas off, then turned back to MRT to drop serene off. Then turned around again to walk to the bus stop outside DSF. 700 was packed, packed, and sardined.
And I'm back, whoooptee do.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 9:05 pm
Went for parade at about 1.30. Sat a while, officer JT said he was late O.O While the 2/9 people all came from the cyber gaming session. Keith said he came from his class chalet o.o
Kickstarted off with drill theory revision. Lazy to elaborate on the details. In the end, passed inspection, practical and got 17/20 for theory.
Whooo, stage 2.
Then rehearsed for the promotion parade next week. Quite stupid jokes came up. Don't know why but I was just tickled the whole day.
I r t3h 1337 sQu4D 2 c0mManDazorXxXxX If you speak 1337 then I guess you understand.
たとえこの身体がいくら燃え尽きても良いさ 君に捧ぐなら
たとえこの身体がいくら燃え尽きても良いさ 君に捧ぐなら
Bgm for my blog :D
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 6:33 pm
I feel like dedicating my life to music.
But that'd be stupid.
But its so tempting can, after all, it was started by the church.
Hopefully, I can find a wife whom can play either the guitar or keyboard, then we can train the kids(in guitar or vocals)! Then we would have the first family band in Singapore =/ I would never divorce that woman, I'd be damn lucky =/
Kids, wonder what its like to have them. I recalled watching that Jackie Chan movie, sure the baby was cute, but taking care of it was a bitch.
Anyway, woke up to dota with yishuo a short while before I went canteen. $20 a day FTW. Whoo, first day had almost no problems. My job was constantly being done for me, everyone paid with $10 notes(which caused a lack of change). And I looked stupid.
Nicky came and bought his usual Chicken Chop and we talked for a while, he went English Remedial. He really went o.o
Apparently, they're learning about punctuation now.
Took back like 5 chicken wings, and went to the bus stop to experience major sunshower. WTF, haven't seen one of those in a long time. Changed bus because of that, gah, waste of 35 cents.
Someone please hold me close
Monday, November 06, 2006 4:21 pm
Harry's island >_>
"Let's set up an advertising brochure. I think we should have a picture where we see many people at Harry's island kicking around Harry's balls, lying down on Harry's big fat beach, and enjoying their Harry's sausages and Harry's nuts or cooling off with Harry's ice lolly, that's the life on Harry's island."Finished Auntie Daphne's chalet finally. I missed the scorpion king on tv <__> basically I just watched them play mahjong and ate crackers lying on the couch. Lol, feel like sleeping now.
I need foood, me hungry, me want foood.
Maybe when I have money I'll start eating more, I want buffets, cuisine, ala carte, EVERYTHING, GRAH.
That time me and YY were discussing about motorola phones, notice they all have an R and the end and are shortened versions of words?
Then, what if.. just what if..
RAWRSo many movies I wanna watch, so little time and money, sigh. Step up, Sinking of Japan, Prestige, Covenant. Argh.
Managed to get to work on my frozen throne, yay, now i get pwnt ._. Just fed a lot on one game, crapass bounty hunter specifically targeting the necro'lic which i randomed out.
Naruto fillers, GOODNESS, WHEN DO YOU END?
Wish God can give me a sign, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW? LIFE IS REAL SIAN.
Thursday, November 02, 2006 6:11 pm
Left the house today at 7 because Yannick had to go for his GP paper. So I arrived in school an hour early. Whipped out my mp3 and turned on the morning xpress for laughs, looked retarded laughing to myself in the canteen.
Then 45 minutes later, Officer JT arrived and started distributing all the awards. We have 6 pieces of white cloth XD retarded. Lol
Fell in, after that went to the com lab for Uncle Waimun's cyber wellness talk. First part was about gaming, already saw it the day before so I was one step in front of everyone.
Went for a break, bad move.
Edmund Ng fell in everyone at the basketball court because of bad behavior. He gave some weird turning commands that the sec 2's didn't learn but pumped us anyway. Some dumb attire problem, we all rushed back to the com lab after that.
Then the second part was pornography, lol at the william hung video.
Left, then I realised the back gate was perma-closed. So after that wanted to go out front gate with kenny, but my mp3 stucked itself. Dammit.
Went to talk to Officer JT again, then he offered to fetch me and ahmeng back. Ahmeng to dover MRT, me to the Clementi Road bus stop. Nice guy XD
Had a bit of lunch and then slept until now =)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 9:03 pm
Woke up at 7 to get dressed. Made my own breakfast, left the house 45 minutes later.
That cb 184 has the straightened seat on the 3rd single seat ._. fucking bad for my back. Lmao, tuned on the FM radio to listen to the morning express on Class 95! Love those 2 funny bastards.
Reached redhill at 8.45 just nicely. Then, it was a
20 MINUTE WAIT for Yewwei + Ghim Moh Sec school people.
Reached Bukit Merah central 162 and got to the 5th floor. Entered crUsh, and got a briefing.
Hehe, then saw the funny video of Ah Boon. Haha, world of warBLUFF.
Went to eat KFC and listened to Officer JT spew all sorts of funny stuff I've never heard before. He's like a little misunderstood kid =)
By the way, he's a miracle worker that knew his wife since he was 15, he's 27 now O.O
Took 197 to Jurong East and went to the ice rink! for the first time seh! Everyone said I wasn't bad for a noob lor. At least I could accelerate after only 5 minutes. Then nicky said I looked like I was dancing -.-
Dashed my dreams T.T
I felt pretty free on ice, but MY LEGS FELT OTHERWISE.
Chan came and then we went for dinner, much to the dismal of Cherhan, Jupo left about 15 minutes earlier prior to our departure.
Went to arcade to see this guy pwn at time crisis 4. Then I went to play house of the dead 4 with this girl who kept stealing my life and grenade bonuses >_> We both died at the Empress by the way.
Had some lame jokes about food eating at Kobayashi's. Ate the cold soba, tasted good at first but the taste just melted off.
Then took mrt to clementi with nicky and took 184 home. Listened to Jean and Rod on Class 95, again.