Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:24 pm
I have a friend.He sits beside me in class(now that I've moved seat). He is in Table tennis.
He is generally quite good in his studies, even though he hates history to the core.
I didn't think of him much at first, seeing how we didn't really relate to each other. But, things brought us together.
He's not a Singaporean citizen, but I feel that he's Singaporean through and through.
He converses better in Chinese, but speaks to me in English knowing I'm more used to it.
He knows about my life, I know about his.
We're the two only avid MrBrown class in 205 '06, because we enjoy his podcasts.
He wants to insert a Christian name into his IC, so he won't be the last register in class.
His name is Jack Zhang ZheYang. And he is. My Friend.
4:11 pm
Wow, today huang laoshi damn HAPPENING HOR? xD
lollllllllllllllllllllllllllll peihwa roxxorx.
Happening, thats like the only word in english he knows. He said that at least 10 times.
TingYong is still that moronic clown that I've always known him as.
So today, it was more of a Grace/Faith/Hope 6 Reunion than a Peihwa '92 cohort gathering. As usual, we invaded King Albert Park again. Freaking hell. This was how Tingyong's order went.
"Erm, I would like a hamburger please"
"A hamburger"
"Oh okay, anything else?"
"A small fries and a medium drink"
*1 minute later*
"Huh? This is a small fries? Erm, can I change to medium?"
"Huh? This is a medium drink? Can upsize?"
I could see the annoyance on the counter guy's face. Asshole tingyong lol.
The party consisted of Me, Weijie, Xinzhi, Frederick, Emmanuel, Jingsheng, Tingyong, Victoria and her lesbian friend, TZY, Sharlyn, Yuxin, Craigven, Renzo(freaking goth/emo guy) + about 20 grace 6 people whom I didn't recognise/forgot their name.
Oh ya, the big drain slope of doom. Ya, I "pulled" you all up, big deal.
Victoria is so gangsta lo. Damn funny, told her to go die right, then she grabbed my hand while we were waiting for the green light and screamed "Okay, let's go" while gesturing to the bloody Bukit Timah road. Then at the Mcdonalds, she went to cold storage to buy sushi, and a packet of HAM. I didn't know what the hell the ham was for, so I asked, the reply?
"Not happy ah hah?"
Mine? "Yes"
Sorry Fred =)
I crossed that cb road 3 times btw, so dulan having to wait then chiong across.
WEIJIE SMASHED UP THE TAXI LOLOLOLOLOLOL. don't know how many times we poked fun at his weight.
After that, we all took giant group photos which I fucked up big time because I didn't know they were taking. Soon, we split into our respective classes and took pair photos, other than me, I'm photophobic >_< TingYong RUINED THE PICTURES WITH FRED's HOCKEY STICK LOL, DAMN GHEY.
After that, I had to listen to the hilarious story of this "Jeremy" in Tingyong's and Yuxin's class who gave himself a concussion after doing a bicycle kick.
The guys went to play basketball at Victoria's house, but I decided to pass with my roaring ankle, ouchies.
It was fun. Pei Hwa style.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:48 pm
I'm going to write out my post in compo format so it'll be a change for once.
As I watched Brandon get off the bus, I sighed.
It was still raining heavily.
Already damp from the splatter of the droplets that had fallen outside the bus stop, in coordination with the blasting air conditioner, it was cold. Very cold, I suddenly thought of the black jacket Mom had bought me.
I am a very lucky person.
I live in a peaceful country, one with no war, famine, or plague. My family is rather well off, enough to support ourselves without finanical difficulty. I get to go to school to get a decent education.
And yet, why am I always so, melancholic?
Perhaps its the repetition of life that keeps my boredom up. Every day, I take 184 without fail, I've practically recognise seat architechture in 184's and I can spot the familiar shapes the numbers take even without my spectacles. Imagine how many time's I've taken it since the start of 2005, not including times when I need to get to the MRT.
Waking up from my daze, I quickly reached for the bell, but it did not give off that familiar 2 pitch ring. I grabbed the roll of wire from my left and hopped off the seat, making my way to the exit of the bus and finally alerting the driver to my desire to depart.
I gripped the handlebar. Icy, I thought.
It was still raining.
The sky was as dark as night, although it was hardly past 7. The raindrops menacingly blasted around me as I stood in the sheltered bus stop. I watched Cashew Heights from two hundred metres away, and decided.
I'd take that dash of fate.
I had obviously thrown caution to the wind as I had nearly slipped the nanosecond I took my first step, but I wasn't about to lose momentum that easily. I continued with my sprint. My metal framed glasses were soon dotted by raindrops, and my visibilty barely reached 3 metres ahead of me.
Still, I continued.
I had nearly missed the turn into the condominium, though I did catch it in time. But without skipping a beat, I walked into the sheltered guardhouse and raised a palm, smiling. The guard seemed to understand.
I wiped my spectacles, clearing the blur. It somehow reminded me of the fruit of the effort I had spent not on my Design and Technology project, but something more.
Worth much more. It felt so powerful to me, and I was having second thoughts.
Still, my goal was to reach home in time. So I briskly ran into block 87, or was it 89? there, I walked its perimeter to reach the familar parking spaces behind block 103. Finally! Home at last!
I took a breath before charging through the open air carpark into my block, nearly tripping in the process once more. But I had made it, home at last, with energy to spare. I climbed up the short elevated ramp to take a shortcut into the lift lobby.
It was still raining.
The light of the lift brought warmth to me, it was like seeing a long lost friend again.
I turned, to see my reflection in the mirror. I was soaking wet, my hair had gone back to its original bowl shape, although concentrating into random spikes at the front, almost plaiting itself.
I am a lucky person.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 6:31 pm
I mean, I'm dying to know if I can push up my average with it.
And goodbye Miss Yang, you were the most passive and typical chemistry teacher ever, no offence. Not bad, just keep it up and you should be JUST fine.
Ah youtube go die la, remove all the anime.
and our DNT PROJECT IS MISSING. along with yishuo's group and nicky's group one. Crap.
Mr Benny Ng made us do some survey thingy. Then got seating arrangement plan. I just filled in random guailan names just for the sake of filling. Then I "complimented" his lessons and gave feedback for certain people to sit together ;D
Don't worry, I know I'm a saint.
God dammit, I changed my blog background music. Still may be a bit lag because its a raw mp3 file, about 4 mb. BYE BYE NARUTO FILLERS. ME WANT MY KAKASHI GAIDEN.
Last official day of school tomorrow, term 3 has ended. To think we begun it hating NDP and not having a single thought about the common tests. The irony now.
Yeah.. the irony.. Things are never as you believe..
Monday, August 28, 2006 7:25 pm
If I'm not going to get my due respect then so be it, just, go jump off a building or something, stop wasting space or my time.
God dammit, nearly 2 years of combined effort trying to make a name for myself and only now I see through the dark shroud the class has placed.
No wonder Cherhan hates 2/5.
If personality is rejected so, everyone obviously fails as a professionalist to not know the profits I can rake in for you should you have my trust.
Naw, I prefer to just sit here and watch my own unimagineable growth.
Just woke up from a nap that I took by accident, don't know how I'm going to sleep later.
And insecure me doesn't dare to continue writing my compo, after getting only 24.5 for my chinese test. Ah well, at least my average is 65 2/3.
And fuckyou alden teo, why did you have to be SICK TODAY? Just RUSH THROUGH our common tests and make us all happy, who cares what grade we get? At least we'll have our hearts at ease.
Then Jerome whacked the bony part of my behind, tio stun for 2 seconds, then almost cried because it was fucking pain.
Then I actually felt like going to Jurong Point to get that model that I've saved money for. But I realised I took 151 rather than 154 (point being, I went to the wrong bus stop).
I'm addicted to coke =/
Strength was gaining on them, though half dead already. The gauze and leather wrappings on its face were coming off, revealing the bloody skull beneath.
Suddenly, James had an idea.
Taking a quick spin around the corner, he crept up the labyrinth wall and shot off a few teeth off the giant chainsaw that appeared to be their imminent doom. The chips went sparking off all over the place. But the plan had worked.
As soon as Gary dodged a cut from Strength, the lack of serrated area off the saw caused it to get stuck in the old chunks of rock. That was the turning point, in a few bangs, Strength was down.
However, so was Harry.
As blood leaked from a giant slash across his torso, he barely managed to mumble "car" and "A0063"
That was all they needed. The deaths of the citizens of Venice were to be avenged.
Sunday, August 27, 2006 7:42 pm
Funny thing how I always complain how life is so boring, yet when it gets real tense, I wish everything would go back to its usual, boring self.
Shit me.
At least I'm improving on o2jam, maxed comboed a few noob songs on normal mode like christmas memories, and fly magpie.
Someone was distributing some discount coupons for Yoshinoya right, and I took one, the basic bowl had like $4 reduced, WTF. Usual price $7.80, discounted $3.95. >_>
Applies everywhere actually, you're basically paying for overpriced food.
Or services.
Or anything.
Just, sit and enjoy aircon, and pay more money!
Ugh. Just feeling very tired now.
And I haven't finished my zuo wen la. I can't seem to keep promises to myself. Slept enough this weekend already.
I got owned by Justice WTF =((
Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:10 pm
Four years, and I've gone like a negative quadratic graph.
From the pits of hell, I went up, and back down soon after.
I hate how everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. Doing the same thing, acting the same way. Fuck, can you all get some UNIQUE personalities?
Screw me over with moral teachings but I can seriously create clones of my classmates if you gave me some meat and artificial intelligence programmes.
I haven't changed my temper problem you know, I've just sealed it away. No one said you couldn't bring it back. For the sake of my friends, I hid it, caged it. And now its going to be revived by the same few people who loathed me for having it.
For years, I've always believed that company is key to survival. Sure, it gives that temporary euphoria. But, BUT, its nothing more than just drugs really. Just like any typical subutex addiction, you can't live without it, yet you can't live with it.
I've been doomed to be surrounded by inconsiderate people whom put themselves ahead of others no matter what situations they're faced with. I know I make myself out to be guai lan, but that doesn't mean just because I care about people more than myself, you should do the opposite.
What're friends but just developed sperm 3 million times more tyco than the others just racing to form an embroyo?
What I read, I watch, I see, everything, is fiction indeed. Not everyone is as lucky as you would think. No point moping about lost friends, who cares? Its not like they had any insignificance in the first place.
Had the world no offence against the morality of murder that it would set laws against it, most of you reading this would be dead by now. I would go so far as to personally tear your neck in half with the fingernail of my forefinger after breaking every limb you have. Think I can't? Just backstab lo, no big deal.
But too bad, no wonder I have that thinking disorder. My life is so shitty that I would want to take fantasy as a reality. It therefore affected my thinking. I always thought that having friends would mean people who would stick by you, support you, never get angry with you,
be there when you need them.
And voila, you have an attention-seeking, loudmouthed person who goes around pretending he can give advice and wants to be a psychologist when he grows up. Wait.. that's me! Not. I have to maintain a whole fake personality so you guys won't have me, not bad eh?
Beats getting 18/55 for Chinese any day.
I am alone, and I am not enjoying it
12:22 pm
1. full name : Sox Xing Wei Klinsen
2. name backwards : nesnilK ieW gniX hoS (man, that's gross)
3. named after : teh 1337 german national soccer coach
4. meaning of name : =/
5. nickname : i'll get back to you in like a few years after i finish counting them
6. screen name : screen name? Klinsaon, or AdelheidX, whichever
7. d.o.b : 9th day of the month of January
8. place of birth : Singapore
9. nationality : Singaporean
10. current location : at my com
11. star sign : Capricorn
12. religion : Christian
13. height : 168 + - ??
14. weight : 45kg + - ???
15. shoe size : UK size 8
16. hair colour : Technically, most people have a natural hair colour of blonde, just bleach it and you will know
17. eye colour : black
18. who you look like : er.. jingyew? O_O
19. innie or outtie : inner me? O_O
20. lefty or righty : right handed (don't gimme that sickly sweet corruption of words)
21. gay, straight, bi or others : straight
22. best friends : some people whom i rarely meet or talk to, let alone go out with
23. best friends i trust most : anyone who can prove themselves worthy
24. favourite pals : JackSI, O-Chao-san, EyeJo
25. best friend of opposite sex : maybe its ja, cuz there's a weird way i arrange people
26. best buddies : JACKSI, Kenny, Fag 5
27. boyfriend or girlfriend : I wish, I still have years to go
28. crush : ya, right, you don't know ._.
29. parents : Alive and kicking (your ass once i'm done with this)
30. worst enemies : Emo people
31. fav online guy : dunch knoe
32. fav online girl : Its a tie between ZEROATH AND JINGYING MAMA, WHO WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUS?
33. system: Windows
34. craziest friend : Weilrat
35. advice friend : whoever dares to step up to listen
36. loudest friend : yishuo
37. person you cry with : i don't cry unless its for my own personal reasons, which are rare enough
38. any sisters : non-biological FTW
39. any brothers : Yannick
40. any pets : fish, those who sit around me in class =D
41. any disease : Dormant Asthma
42. any pager : Had one when I was 6? Dad's old one
43. personal phone line : 68928442 but the phone can't ring so i can only call out
44. cell phone : Sony Ericsson J300i, wish I could change the J to a Z and add 250 to that 300
45. lava lamp : wish had one
46. pool or hot tub : depends on my mood and the ambience
47. a car : in about 10 years time
48. your personality : Succint
49. driving : in about at least 10 years time
50. car you want : No Nissans or mitsubishis please.
51. room : my bedroom?
52. what's missing : my sapphire =(
53. school : currently nan hua low school
54. bed : 4 year old duniopillo (is that how you spell it?)
55. relationship with my parents : borderline, but still mediocre
56. believe in myself : I do
57. believe in love at first sight : change the sight to "chat" and i probably do
58. good listener : i'm sensitive to other's emotions, so yes
59. get along well with parents : one menopause, the other is a lamer version of me, whaddya think?
60. save email convos : who uses email?
61. pray : as often as i can remember to
62. believe in reincarnation : ah, the unknown, I don't.
63. make fun of people : constantly
64. talk on the phone : YY [ not yuanyi or yuan yuan, its my cousin Yuyong aka jonathan aka bubujebu]
65. want to get married : yep
66. like to drive : i suck at driving games though =/
67. motion sickness : only on stationary spaces
68. eat stem of brocolli : yep
69. eat chicken with fork : depends on situation
70. dream in colour : yes
71. type with your fingers on home role: probably don't? i have a custom typing style
72. sleep with stuff animals : never
73. next to you : my fan remote, telephone, a cup of coke
74. on the walls of your room : light green
75. on your mouse pad : technically its a mouse SHEET, but who cares, there's only that single rodent there
76. dream car : I don't know, maybe I want a motorbike
77. dream date : someone whom is patient, not petty; feminine, not feeble; strong, not agressive; charming, not slutty
78. dream honeymoon spots : Paris, Rome, Countryside of Tokyo
79. dream husband or wife : Okay, here's the funny thing, i've literally dreamed of a wife. the face was inelligeble, but her personality morphed from multiple people whom i know[strangely enough, including guys] while taking majority of her traits from someone whom I'm real shocked is
80. bed time : 2200 - 2300
81. under your bed : a pullout bed?
82. single most important question : nothing as of yet
83. bad time of the day : when things don't go my way
84. your worst fear : to die suddenly, be it knocked from a car, fallen from a building, or just having my soul stolen
85. weather : mostly cool and cloudy
86. time : 13:05
87. date : 26th of August 2006
88. best trick i did on someone : forgot, i used to be a genius in my prime
89. theme song : Flow - Re:member (ask me on msn if you want =D)
90. hardest thing about growing up : one time experiences
91. funniest experience : Pepsi Gold does not go well after you step out of a toilet cubicle holding a bottle and a person stares at you
92. scariest experience : walking down Cashew Road after NDP
93. silliest thing i've ever said : "i'm gay and there's nothing you can do about it.." after a long stream of attacks, then 2 seconds later "OH SHIT, IM NOT! IM NOT!"
94. most desperate and funniest thing i've done to get who i want : create an entirely fake personality and maintaining it for months?
95. scariest thing while i'm with my friends : if they publicly embarass me
96. worst feeling : zi xiang mao dun, or the feeling of being betrayed
97. best feeling in the world : Something I've yet to experience, but I've somehow managed to simulate
Ugh, forget it, just take the initative and do it yourself.
Kuzeretaketa toki.. kodoku hoshi de..
Deaeta boku ga hitori janai.
Sora kazasu kanjou kono omoi o..
Namida ne mune ni kaeteiku..
Yami ni uchiawasu koro kitto eru you
Onaji itami no hate no moto de..
Friday, August 25, 2006 3:51 pm
I'm playing my pokemon Emerald again. All because of Presley Chia's blog.
Lol, I'm just interested in seeing a bloody Totodile/Cyndaquil/Chikorita on the RSE template, gonna be so hilarious when I start mass breeding them.
By the way, my bleddy Latios has a Brave Nature. Wtf, at first I got an Adamant one, then Brave ._. shit stats for the win
Anyway, Dota had 2 new heroes, Alchemist (CHEMICAL RAGE OMFG) and Warlock (RAIN OF CHAOS ROFLCOPTER). Go try, one is a battle tank, the other is a support caster.
And... We didn't get back Chinese today. I don't know whether to be relieved or what. Just praying that I'm not that 18 guy.
It didn't help that today we had to do a compo on NDP. I was asking Jessica so much crap that I should know. Even though I always try my best to read and speak, the result is always like that. Not to mention I totally embarassed myself when I wanted to refer to our dance instructor as MISTER Low. Okay la, maybe it sounded dumb
But I didn't ask for this standard of Mother Tongue can.
Psh, at least Benny is patient, I actually like him as a teacher. He's okay, no matter what anyone could say about him, at least he's doing something about people who are weaker.
Noridah was
sick again, Wow, but I spent that 1/2 hour doing my zuo wen, for the FIRST TIME!
Once again, I amaze myself.
Went to buy bubble tea and saw presley's gang. Followed presley and yanxiang home on 184.
After that, I found out I had a major stomachache, don't know if it was the bubble tea or what, but my abdominal muscles have been giving up on me ever since I did that stretch of 250 crunches.
My upper right thigh still has that lanjiao wound that can't help but keep opening itself up after 23981590374689207424890678 months of seasoned walking.
Bleach is getting more and more interesting now, Byakuya vs Kariya omg
SENKEI : SENBONZAKURA KAGEYOSHI!! If Byakuya uses that against Kariya I'm soooo making popcorn again.
By the way, Kuchiki Byakuya translated in chinese roughly comes out to be "
木巧白哉 " and his soul slayer "Senbonzakura" translated is "
千本樱" or thousand blossoms.
Lol I knew that?
Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:44 pm
The Keys to Your Heart |
 You are attracted to good manners and elegance.
In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell.
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
5:57 pm
Okay, im doing quite okay for common tests.
Maths 34/45 = 75.95555%
Physics 17/25 = 68%
Chemistry 17.5 = 70%
Average = 69%
But I'm damn paranoid that I'm going to get 18/55 for chinese.
I actually could relate to the self-awareness talk today. Even though I was really not interested, I felt that some of the things there make sense. Not that it was the WoW or Dota that made me like that.
I'm just a 14 year old teenager, sometimes I just delude myself thinking that I can change certain things. Ha, I always go around advertising that I blah blah blah this certain blah blah blah, but what impact will it have on my life eventually?
Not much, I am certain. Though I am always positive that there WILL be some outcome.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:53 pm
94th Company's annual camp, 1st september 1900 Nan Hua High School.
Be there, or be kicked.
At least, even though I didn't get to go out with anyone else today, today's BB was meaningful and fun at the very same time. I'm squad IC for the camp, WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
But every night must write report =(
Cooking competition FTW though
Well, I'm not about to write another exposition here, bye.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:51 pm
Life is a dance.
Everyone moves differently, except you and your partner. The beat and rhythm of the music signify the everlasting flow until it dies down.
You're bound to trip over your feet once or twice, maybe cry as you watch other people move gracefully while you have seemingly failed, but once you're up, you're back.
No matter how hard we try to deny it, it is the people with the best ability whom shine most in life, not those who work hard.
And God is that DJ at the back, watching over everyone, controlling the lighting and music.
Monday, August 21, 2006 4:19 pm
Lol. found this funny shit on gamefaqs forums.
Kate wondered what the hell they were doing just staring at each other. So she bravely marched past James, called out to Star, and gave him the finger. What happened next was exactly what Kate had hoped for. Star shouted a Hokkien swear word that, in Singapore, is widely-known to be represented by the initials "CB", and started shooting weird energy sparks at them. Much to the group's surprise, the energy sparks were easily dissipated with just one bullet from their guns, but what surprised them more was that Star had already soared into the air and began flying around in funny patterns. Whether or not Star had a horrible sense of direction, he still gave the group a hard time due to his abrupt movements.
Suddenly, James saw Kate run up to the center, bent down (and made James chuckle uncontrollably), and picked up the small hand-held fan that Star had placed on the floor earlier. She then proceeded to call and taunt Star with rather weird insults. Things like "I slept with your mum!" and "I've seen zombies do better than you!" came flying out of her mouth, increasing Star's anger gauge by 500%.
What the heck is she doing?! And why am I reading my own mind?!
Lisa's Shotgun Blast, for lack of a better term, sent Star flying quite a ways back. Soon after, he began spasming and making the exact same weird sounds that he always made whenever he gets shot. Initially, one might think he was having an orgasm of some sort, but as his spasming got worse and worse, one can only conclude........that this was going to be one hell of an orgasm. James was relieved that they had defeated Star, but he was equally annoyed at the fact that he had to fight a Magician-type enemy again, so he decided that once this was all over, after he took Kate out on a date, he would re-form the AMS and make the letters stand for "All Magicians Suck". At least that way, he would have something to look forward to whenever he goes to work.
Star's spasming was really bad now. He dropped his two knives, which mysteriously disappeared into thin air (alas, another plot hole), muttered out something that sounded awfully close to "KNN", and exploded in a burst of purple energy fragments.
Hehheh, fitting ending for an annoying boss. James thought.
It was then he felt a sharp pain in his left abdomen. Looking down, he noticed, to his utmost horror, that there was a purple energy spark sticking out of his side.
Even though he didn't really feel anything, he decided that this was his chance, so he simply feinted injury. Kate, seeing James's plight, came running towards him, almost collapsing on top of James himself. At the other end, the formerly-unconcscious Thomas finally awoke from his deep slumber, and was now wondering why his pants were so wet.
Kate: James! Are you alright?
James: Don't say that because it's stereotypical for everyone to say that whenever they see someone about to die.
Kate: But you're not going to die, are you?
James: Err, UGH~~~
Kate: Oh no! I don't think you can walk very well with that injury, so it looks like I'll have to carry you!
James: (^_^)
lol. lazy to talk about today, except that im glad chinese is finally over. mind tagging more people?
Saturday, August 19, 2006 11:09 pm
Sometimes I wish I could grab an SMG and just blast away at everyone around me.
I'm doomed to think of things that aren't priorities, ever. Its just me I guess.
I pour most of my thoughts and feelings into this blog, however, my deepest and darkest secrets stay caged within myself, I can trust no one with them. Should someone prove themself worthy of them, that will be the day.
Vitality affects emotion and vice versa. Blah, just felt like saying that.
I have no idea if I'm being emo because this blog is public, or that I'm naturally emo. And then I can't explain my natural cheerfulness.
I've broken my promises of rage and tears, what I've been standing for for long, and yet, I feel no sense of loss or regret. What am I but just a hypocrite, fated to work according to circumstance.
When I've left this world in decades to come, or when the earth implodes on itself soon, perhaps the solution will come to me. And I can finally have a satisfied smile.
12:40 am
Leave (Get out) : JoJo
I've been waiting all day for ya babe
So won't cha come and sit and talk to me
And tell me how we're gonna be together always
Hope you know when it's late at night
I Hold on to my pillow tight
And think of how you promised me forever
(I never thought that anyone)
Could make me feel this way
(Now that you're here boy all I want)
Is just a chance to say
Get Out, (leave) right now,
It's the end of you and me
It's too late (now) and I can't wait for you to be gone
'Cause I know about her (boo) and
I wonder (why) how I bought all the lies
You said that you would treat me right
But you was just a waste of time (waste of time)
Tell why you're looking so confused
When I'm the one who didn't know that truth
How could you ever be so cold
To go behind my back and call my friend
Boy you must have gone and bumped your head
Because you left her number on your phone
(So now after all is said and done)
Maybe I'm the one to blame but
(To think that you could be the one)
Well it didn't work out that way
I wanted you right here with me but
I have no choice you've gotta leave
Because my heart is breakin'
With every word I'm sayin'
I gave up everything I had
On something that just wouldn't last
But I refuse to cry
No tears will fall from these
Ooooh, ooooh
Get out
[Chorus X3]
12:31 am
Pieces of me : Ashlee Simpson
On a Monday, I am waiting
Tuesday, I am fading
And by Wednesday, I can't sleep
Then the phone rings, I hear you
And the darkness is a clear view
Cuz you've come to rescue me
Fall... With you, I fall so fast
I can hardly catch my breath, I hope it lasts
It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It's as if you know me better than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
I am moody, messy
I get restless, and it's senseless
How you never seem to care
When I'm angry, you listen
Make me happy it's a mission
And you won't stop til I'm there
Fall... Sometimes I fall so fast
When I hit that bottom
It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It's as if you known me better than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
How do you know everything I'm about to say?
Am I that obvious?
And if it's written on my face...
I hope it never goes away... yeah
On a Monday, I am waiting
And by Tuesday, I am fading into your arms...
So I can breathe
It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It's as if you've know me better than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
I love how you can tell
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me...
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
Crash, you're all I have
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
Friday, August 18, 2006 9:30 pm
I officially hateLittothecoresobadlyijustwannagrabachainsawandrenditinhalf. Retarded paper, waste of time.
Raja = menopause.
Alden = Slaking [omfg the pokemon HYPERBEAM PEWWWWWWWWWW]
Miss Yang = What Brandon and me said about her.
Mr Chee = Catchphrase creator [MAGIC]
Weiliat = dumbass no matter how we wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait..
Mr Ng = Good teacher, but pinpoints and bullies Kendric a tad too much. Too bad he didn't take us from the start of the year, then i'd have decent chinese teachers for 2 straight years. Nooo i want lee lao shi back =(
Class 2/5 = bubble tea nerds.
Sir Derrick = Gay ass instructor who forced us to do 80 chair pumpings, 100 normal push ups. 150 crunches, and 8km runs.
I am sian... sian..
Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:39 pm
HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY JACKSI! HOPE YOU HAVE ANOTHER GREAT YEAR AHEAD! TRIPLE SCIENCE HOR! =) So today was his birthday, and i wanted the whole wide world to know so i announced it on my overdone geog project. Ahaha.
History was okay, at least I could finish it.
And I think Miss Wong is real nice and is a great teacher for someone so young. At least she's concerned for those who want to learn.
So, I did badly for my ting xie and my chang wen suo duan, don't wanna talk about it.
"What is it?"
In the darkness, Gary could barely make out what had just tossed a few people aside with just a bite. James stood stunned, the latest experiment for the genomes had been on earthworms, just a few years before, he had watched this in its containment cell. Little did he know that fate would pull him to it once more.
The tower, was a troop of 5 serpents, mutated by the gene. One of them, stood out, having blue metallic skin that left marks even on the concrete surroundings. G's notebook pointed to the heads of each one, though they were heavily armored. However, a clue came in the form of a poem.
"To bring down a tower
To conquer it
One must conquer what's inside
Just as how a castle
Without its people
In an instant, green blood spurted from the mouths of 4 worms, and they fell into the water, eaten by the mutant piranhas, just as the Hierophant became. But the remaining loner undulated into a nearby tunnel.
The two agents followed and jumped in. They fell into a marvellous ancient bathing pool. The pump mechanisms were still working, and stone statues of Roman gods protruded the surface of the crystal clear water. However, there was no time to admire it, the tower was making its attack towards them.
But a flash grew in its mouth, and James was bitten. The blood filmed out over the surface of the water, darkening it, yet increasing the bloodlust of the tower at the same time. James shot the tower once in the eye before blackening out. It was left to the rookie agent now.
Gary remembered the way his father had been shot to death. A gun down the throat, and a pull of the trigger, and the body slumped on the ground.
The familiar orange flash of the Tower's fangs greeted him, but Gary did the unimagineable. He pulled the tower's jaws away from each other as it lunged at him, driving his feet back a few metres. It was then a wrestle between two entities. But Gary knew better that he was not going to win against an undead monstrosity, and shot through the tower's lower jaw.
The bullet discharged with a crash, barely missing Gary's foot just underwater. The tower cried out and retreated. But without skipping a beat, Gary took the grenade he had found earlier and pitched it across into the mouth of the Tower.
The blast echoed through the Venice waterways, and the tower was thrown back into a wall, crashing through it.
Gary quickly swam over to pick up James. It was a struggle to bring up the older man unto the dark pathways, but he somehow managed it. Just then, his cellphone rang.
"Amy? What's going on?" Gary frowned at the buzzing he heard
"there... trap... at... coliseum... Harry.. " and a scream followed.
"Amy? Amy?"
Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:09 pm
Yay we got our boards back!
and I hate common tests =(
anyway, here's some food for thought, THEORY OF RELATIVITY KICKS IN
Archilles runs 10x faster than a tortoise. So Archilles gives the tortoise a headstart of 10 metres.
When Archilles runs that 10 metres he gave the tortoise, the tortoise would have moved 1 metre. So:
Archilles - 10
Tortoise - 10 + 1
Archilles runs another 1 metre, using the same speed. In that time, the tortoise would have run 1/10 metres.
Archilles - 10 + 1
Tortoise - 10 + 1 + 1/10
Archilles runs that 1/10, but the tortoise, although slower, runs 1/100 in the same amount of time.
Archilles - 10 + 1 + 1/10
Tortoise - 10 + 1 + 1/10 + 1/100
The time does not factor because it is always the same for both when they run those distances.
At this rate, Archilles will never catch up with the tortoise, who will keep running 10^(-X) in front of him.
However, if we look at the tortoise instead...
When the tortoise runs 1 metre, Archilles would have run ten metres.
Tortoise - 10 + 1
Archilles - 10
When the tortoise runs 10 metres more, Archilles would have run 100 metres.
Tortoise - 10 + 1 + 10
Archilles - 10 + 100
Archilles already owns the tortoise.
So how is the first scenario, where the tortoise beats Archilles, possible?
I saw
this also. Very, very sad
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 9:20 pm
Okay la, blogging's taken a downturn because of common test fever. Or rather, common test arbitrary pneumonia.
I will hate tests that are not testing my practical ability for the rest of my life besides IQ tests.
But, I'm a student, so priorities are there. Some things (ahem), despite how tempting they are, will never push away school work or take over my life. Not that I ever wanted to study school subjects in the first place, if there's anything I wanna study its business/psychology tutorials. That's University for me.
Mr Brown Podcasts are funny, even if they're quite lame/retarded.
Alden/Eldan Teo tried to CONTROL the class today. Okay, I don't really mind, except that he should use a more serious tone and face, no offence. I finished my compo though!
AND MY MATHS OMG (okay, i have 1 more question whom I plan to copy from people later)
Let's talk about, Love. Okay, too be more precise in our context, TEENAGE INFATUATION.
I hate how Teenage Magazine and newspaper help columns always refer to it as "love". It's not. True love knows no definition. We as teenagers just have raging hormones and are more attracted to people of the opposite sex (other than a few exceptions).
I admit, I myself have a soft spot for girls and tend to treat them more nicely and humourously than I would with guys. But that's not the point.
We all live, deluded lives. We keep thinking we "love" people even though its our body controlling our emotion. How pathetic can you get? To not be able to control your emotions, is just a show of weakness. And you would let your inferior body take over them rather than your spirit.
Be as critical of me as you want about me being "jealous". If you want to continue delving in your fantasy, go ahead. I have no intention of fooling myself further. Circumstances have blinded and confused me, but I have blown a clear path ahead for myself.
God predetermined everything from the start, if things don't go right, chances are, they are going right. Everything happens for a reason, and to quote, "in a way that there's no happy ending." How true indeed.
You never know what you've got until its gone, I'll always remember this.
Sunday, August 13, 2006 8:30 pm
Miss Valerie Wang will be making a guest star appearance tomorrow at about 1.30pm. According to her anyway.
Screw geog, tomorrow common test, then my group needa present, sian.
Today's lesson really taught me how much I needed to practice reading and how slow I've been doing stuff all this time. But at least I'm thinking of my own fill-ins now, hmm, must think of a combination that adds up to 1/2 bar.
Reached home only to leave 10 mins later for Bukit Panjang Plaza to buy my prizes + dinner at Mos burger.
Yan told me a lot of random chemistry stuff which were actually quite amazing, if only I understood the 1/3 I didn't =(
Anyway, back to bigger news.
I've decided to set my priorities straight and do what's right. Firstly, I'm going to TRY to study.
Secondly, I'm going to think of a new blog URL.
Thirdly, I realise I love eating food.
Damn, I'm running out of ideas to blog about.
Friday, August 11, 2006 8:54 pm
Okay guys, tomorrow NDP rehearsal, SYF over le, better buck up for the big day!Nabei, I'm like 1 monthe behind time.
Then again, isn't everyone? Sigh
Today was dumb, 15 minutes of history doing nothing. The fruit juice stall was much better although we didn't earn much. Then MR CHEE DIDN'T COME YES!
Of coruse, there wasn't really anything after that, except the ting xie i so suay forget one word in every question >_>
Maple, My current progress is 789/999 zombie mushrooms, 999/999 evil eyes, 26/999 green mushrooms, 112/999 horny mushrooms, and 7/999 cursed eyes.
I'll take my time.
Okay, so let's write about, blogging!
A blog is, the short form of a "web log", a log of your life you keep online. Basically, an online diary. Its where you pour your thoughts and stuff, although its kind of public.
But I see many people jumping on the bandwagon and creating blogs, only to update them for the sake of updating them every few days. So basically, I just wanna tell everyone not to defeat the purpose of blogging. Just do it as a passion, think about why you created a blog in the first place!
Okay, im being lame.
There's nothing to talk about now, err, maybe talk about JASLINE TOH JASLINE'S CHINA GIRL HAIR ON 9TH AUGUST 2006! I'm not being racist or anything, but that's what it looked like.
Ugh, im going back to NDP once more, psh.
But I can't help it, its just natural. Kristle warned me about the rehabilitation symptoms of doing large scale performances, guess I should've listened.
But I'll treasure the rest of the time I have with my class, after all, i only have 2 months to see them 5 days a week, after over a year. It'll be so sad not to have their company next year.
But then again, I'd like to see who follows me to sec 3 and beyond.
Thursday, August 10, 2006 8:10 pm
I want to relive everything.
The 5 months we spent practicing. All the sweat and complaints we shed. All the fun times we had.
The big party yesterday, ended all too soon. In the end, we won't even have a costume to remember the dance by.
Time to come, we'll all forget about it. But not me, I'll always reminisce, about what we did, and that music will play in my head for as long as it can.
J21, as I think of the entertainment and companionship that you've given me, even as you get chopped up and burnt, I know that you're the best piece of wood and sticker that a guy can ever have =`)
10 or 20 years down the road, when the sports hub is due to be torn down once more, I'll probably remember that I performed in what took its place, August 9th 2006.
To that guy, Tay Kwang Leong, our coordinator for act 3: Our nation of hopes and dreams, you've done what many people can only dream of doing, I salute you. Smart ass =D
As I brushed and wiped away the remaining makeup on my face last night, I realise I won't put any on anytime soon. That became my promise to myself. Because I treasured the times when I had them on.
I stand at a crossroads
Both paths beckon
Should I pick one that emphasises on my selfishness, casting away the rest of my life?
Or should I pick the pavement to freedom?
Naiive, 14 year old me cannot decide.
I can only blind myself
And throw myself forward
Its destiny that I will move
In the cold, cold night
I was hit, slapped, and pushed around
By one I could never take it from
As a tear forms, I watch her fling mud from afar
It chips away at me
I've taken foolishness higher
Deluding myself all this way
What can I say, I'm just a dreamer, after all
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 8:08 am
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENNY! This is it guys, NDP 2006. Its the show, our show, and we are going to own it. The day of reckoning comes, judgement shall rain upon us. But we have our Bankais =D
Its season time, and we're speeding down
No matter what, we're never gonna stop now
Fighting in it, and believing it
We'll live to see the bright morn that awaits us
And there's what we're looking for - our emotions
Because we're waiting on this side of the door
Tuesday, August 08, 2006 7:00 pm
Today was, somewhat eventful.
I came to school 10 minutes later than usual, at 7.15. Whooo, barely scraped it, soo unlike me, other than in schoolwork.
So anyway, I had a "solemn" drill rehearsal during the march in =D
There was this retarded act about the history of singapore. Wow, major william fuckuhar faquhar has a UNIQUE name. And I don't know what "mari ki .. PSSSSST, NOOOOOO!" means.
Okay, scrap my first statement, it was simply boring.
Then me + weilrat + john were walking around the car porch looking for Jacksi to go his house-si. I didn't realise he smsed me to tell me he was at the front gate waiting. So we went central for lunch, I think all of us ate somewhat expensive food. Lol.
Jack can take 3 buses home la, lucky bastard =(
His house is quite nice, a bit messy, but not as bad as mine. Then his sister was like super quiet the whole time we were there. She nicely cut us some dragon fruit, and got us water while we started working on our chinese.
Okay, we were playing around with animation and sounds most of the time, and me and weiliat didn't actually do our slides, PROCRASTINATION IS OWNING.
At home, I don't know what to play now. Dota is getting boring.
Tomorrow, I feel conflicted inside.
As much as I want to go to perform for all my fellow countrymen, I will miss all the practices we had. They held so much memories for us..
"Okay guys, MOVE FORWARD!" How many times are we going to hear something like that?
We've had so much fun, gone through so much together. When we finish our duty tomorrow, we're bound to get the inevitable sense of loss. We will all feel so empty inside.
I have already prepared my costume, the thought of not being able to see everyone smiling in that after 9th August 2006 is saddening, yet I'm so eager to rush to the stadium with J21. He's been my partner these last few months. Nan Hua has been amazing in performance these last few times.
We owe it all to our AI's. 205 has an emotional attachment to Jerry, Group X/ 206 owe everything, including discipline(especially during june) to Iskandar. The Guards whom have been with us, we thank you for your patience and company. We owe it to all of you.
Time will come to pass, so I SHOULD be eager, well, let's do this guys.
Scenery flies and the landscape rolls before us.
We're running, and even if we despair.. we're not letting IT get away
If help comes and its worthless, we're just going to burn it up
Let's grab hold of that tomorrow, with our withered hands..
We've come this far *all we've given* to reach our goals..
The beat of it is booming we won't let it slip away cuz we are gonna burn through
We hear it calling *enticingly* for us..
So we can't stop here now we don't have time we're gonna get what we want..
We had our faith *guiding us* bringing us, through this journey
We can't stand it everybody's worked up we're gonna get what we've worked for thus far..
It stands there now *before us* pulling us together t'wards it
So we will grab it after all the turmoil, pains, tears and joy that we've had..
Monday, August 07, 2006 9:06 pm
Happy birthday to Bryan! Our beloved classchairman and friend! =)
Last rehearsal. Damn T_T
It was fun while it lasted, and I felt some sort of emotional attachment to the stadium, and my brother Magina! Oh board code J21, I'm going to miss you after wednesday =(
The bus rides, crappy food, the little vendors going around selling drinks, I'm going to miss them all.
We all have memories we want to cherish, let's pour these into the well of our hearts =)
I've come thus far *running quickly* to this point
There was a pulse of your heart so strong I felt like I was gonna explode
I heard your voice *calling softly* to me
But I got no time to stop here now, time is pulling me further
Please.. trust me..
Saturday, August 05, 2006 9:25 pm
Monday got practice at the stadium, crap, cannot chiong maple, nor stay back to do whatever projects that are undone.
Yishuo was hilarious the whole day, he's so much better as the duo replacements of dongying (him and xiahao). Entertainment factor, just hope that people can just realise he's joking around, insults = free one. I don't really care if he insults me or my close friends, its just funny, and that's all that matters.
And I made a big deal out of this rehearsal for nothing. Did everything enthu-ly, wasted effort sia.
At least I got to hear my "kakakakaka" part of the music =D
Then of course, there was the episode of Chia Lek Kee taking everyone's phones and going missing. We had no idea where she went, probably got lost or went flirting with some elderly cleaner or something.
Of course, I found it more funny than anyone else, seeing it was the fact that Chia Lek Kee was the one who took care of the stuff that I kept my phone and wallet, although they got in the way when I was running.
I called a lot of people's phones. But then retribution came in the form that everyone wanted to borrow my phone to call their parents. That was okay, but then their parents called BACK. Damn.
Dad fetched me to Raffles Town Club for dinner, had the seafood buffet! I'm so full now, chibye lol. Can't eat anything to save my ass, rawr.
About the "blogging about teachers" issue. Is it really even an issue? Sincerely speaking, these are blogs, diaries, online diaries for the public to read but diaries nonetheless. Should we not be allowed to pour our heart and soul into wherever we want? That's human rights too.
Sure we may insult teachers, but you can't expect everyone to greet you with a hug and a bouquet of roses to boot right? We as students, hate going to school in general, can you blame us if we really can't tolerate teachers? How about you as students? Do you not remember?
Believe it or not, the fact that we even bother blogging about teachers prove that they are significant in our lives. So much that we bother talking about them, don't make it sound so bad.
Muchuu de.. *hayaku*.. kakenuketekita
Urusaikunai ni harisekesouna kodou no takanari
Hibii de.. *yonde* iru kimi no koe
Koko de tachidomaruyouna jikan wa naisa..
Friday, August 04, 2006 9:10 pm
We've come thus far, so we'd better do it.
That's right, the last practice at the national stadium. Tomorrow, 5th august, the same day as Singapore fireworks festival, remember it.
It'll probably be the last time you do the NDP dance in PE attire so wear your class tee, whereever your from, just for kicks.
Anyway, I don't expect to get anywhere near the buffet lunch, even thought I'm going to try.
I still have that Chinese project thingy undone, DAY 2 LEH. Wah lao, the weakest guy in the group has to do the hardest task =/ that's super duper imba. kill me off with work plz. Still got geog, i haven't edited VJ, fuck it.
At least im done with thinking about thinking skills. <3 ness. ACCOMPLISHED CONSCIENCE, WHOOPEEE.
There's a post under this one, read pluhz.
5:46 pm
Lim Zi Shuo did not blast my blog music BGM nor play with the powerpoint sound effects in the com lab during history today.
Mr Teo(I forgot his Christian name so I can't be rude, damn) obviously had no lesson plan as he was like, going through SRPs? for ****?
Chemistry was retarded, we "went through" questions that we never actually filled in the end. Point after point after point was repeated but we couldn't perform 1/2 of the experiments on the practical book.
Maths = dota discussion = talking about how imbalanced dunowhat malevolence was as an item.
At least lunch was delicious, laksa with shit load of chilli padi lol.
Benny Ng shouted today, like omg. You can't picture him shouting but he did it. Then there was a lecture and stuff, bleah, dont talk about it.
Lit = free period but Benny came back and gave back our zuo wen. Man, that time no one had any mood to do thus the crappy standard kicked in. I nearly wrote one page but gave up halfway, I couldn't articulate half of my points as well >_> well, a slightly-average standard of english has its shortcomings, dammit.
After that I stayed back to clean up the classroom, because well, I didn't wanna go Bible Quiz training. The classroom is like a battleground. Dust and litter billowing everywhere, as if to indicate the decay that has plagued it. I worked for 20 damn minutes before going back. Jiayu gave me that butterfly thingy bent out of wire, awww
Oh ya, if anyone wants to watch the lake house on the 10th, please tell me kthxbai.
James whirled around to the stairway at the foot of Sunset Bridge; Amy and Harry had arrived just in time - no, way too late. James wasn't about to explain the big pile of corpses behind him.
The senior agent blamed himself for being irresponsible. The carnage in Venice was horrible, and it wasn't obviously going to get better, until the agents could set foot on the problem. Suddenly, the four heard screams.
A group of people were sprinting across the Sunset Bridge, fear pounding in their hearts and accelerating their feet. James ran forward to try and cheer their escape.
The bridge suddenly cracked in the centre and the centre portion blasted away. Six slimy green claws grabbed the edge of the broken bridge, and pulled up a disgusting looking fish-humanoid.
Brown scales lined its body as it made a sluggish approach towards James and Gary. Gary quickly pulled out G's notebook and flipped furiously. He stopped at the "Chariot" page, but it clearly wasn't that he was looking at.
The facing page was the exact thing that undulated its way towards them. It suddenly struck James and Gary that the resemblance to the Chariot was no coincidence. The title "Hierophant" became clear that not only was the being powerful, it was also influencial over its peoples, which in this case, were the flying pirahnas surrounding them, in a crowd shaped like in a Cathedral worship sermon.
Harry and Amy whipped out their Night Hawk pistols and shot them down, while Gary pointed out that the fastest way to bring down Type 27B, was pretty obvious. The Hierophant had metallic chest plates weaving in and outwards through its sides, but it was what they were guarding that caught the eye. A large, misshapen heart was beating wildly inside, supplying life to it like a human itself, it was showtime.
It would've been amazingly easy for 2 agents specializing in sniping arrays. But the grotesque body made them want to turn away in disgust, save the exploding fish around them courtesy of Amy and Harry. Gary stumbled forward and fell off the bridge straight into the waterways.
Amy shrieked, and ran back down the stairway to the speedboat, Harry reluctantly followed after a signal from James that he would be fine. They started the ignition and drove off to get Gary. Clambering unto the boat, sputtering, Gary motioned towards James' position, then pointed to the Hierophant diving into the water. Amy sped away to safety, but keeping regular distance from the bridge for the plan.
James stood his ground and braced himself. He was awaiting the splash that would tell him the Hierophant was back, but what he heard was a familiar voice, screaming over the river. "The right! Your right!"
James was of course, shocked, but in that spilt second he caught the Hierophant diving down from the sky, ready to impale him with his trident. He drew and shot it down. But without skipping a beat, ran over and grabbed the trident and stabbed it once in the chest, there was a roar, and the Hierophant breathed no more.
James threw the body over the bridge for good measure, confident that the Hierophant would be consumed by what he commanded. He then ran over and jumped into the water, caught by the speedboat just in time. "Don't care who it is, no one's gonna get away with this."
Harry whispered, "We've found Goldman's headquarters, point A0063, but he's called for a rendezvous with us at the nearby coliseum."
"Sounds like a trap."
"We'll turn it on him, as much as we can."
Thursday, August 03, 2006 7:06 pm
Pointless physics(okay), not so. But after that.
PE = soccer = fast access to canteen = yayness
Geography, I can't believe those guys went on with that hilarious presentation. I was lmaoing the whole way. And Kenny's group had so much extra prizes, but they looked like er, crap nuggets.
Assembly wasn't that useful either. Just watching videos, or rather, photo slideshows. Saw the 2/5 pictures, hmm.
Maths was dumb. Chinese was super bilingualist lesson. I was trying to shuttle between Chinese/English comprehension mode, super hard lol.
Me got 15/20 for chem, worse than expected, bah. Forget it, its over already.
Feels like I'm disappearing
Fading, and no one realises
Wednesday, August 02, 2006 7:35 pm
Nothing much happened today, except that they changed to a new set of actions in NDP and we're so gonna screw it up, period. We're going to like ruin the whole show, and hell, we're not even going to use the red sides of the boards, what was the point of telling us to keep our boards properly?
Then after that went to Jurong east MRT popular to get stuff for DnT. It was so retarded, the assisstant heard "styrofoam" instead of "cellophane", we had a lot of explaining to do.
I just re-watched the super-touching and inspiring ending of Full Metal Alchemist. Ending as in, episodes 50 - 52, and the movie.
I guess, sometimes, I have to resign to the fact that, yes, I'm letting my friends control my life. I'm always so paranoid that I'll lose them that I let them manipulate me all they want. I always endure any mud they fling at me, just so I will have company.
I rarely tag people's blogs for fear that I'll cut into their precious chats with friends, thus jeopardizing my position with them.
Anyone knows what its like to have no one? Critical family, ignorant relatives, if it isn't a last resort to turn to friends, the world is screwed up.
I've always been labelled as a fucking extra guy. Even without people telling I can read their body language, they just want me out. Just because I can't speak chinese/be rebellious/do well in grades/entertain or do anything in GENERAL. No one knows what its like I tell you. At least Jingyew knows his limits and when he's transgressing, but me..
Then when I always can't stand it any longer, I snap, and people begin to hate me for being myself, for being human, what the hell. I want to get respect, at least the minimum respect of being peers. I don't need all that consoling as though I'm an injured dog, I just want that respect from everyone and I don't want to be a punching bag forever.
I did what I feared to do because I allowed people to take advantage of my patience. My promise to
him has been shattered because I was too soft. But I don't want to go back to my past, everything burns so hot there. I don't want to cry, if not I'd regurgitating my swallowed pride.
September 9th 2000 : Venice, Italy
The headless suit of armour bashed a car across the street with its massive axe. James Taylor fired relentlessly at it, but to no avail.
Accompanying the metal monster was a little flying demon, tormenting everyone in its blight. James' cohort, 24 year old Gary Stewart, was flipping through the pages of a tatterred notebook, hoping to find some clues as to how they could bring down the titan. He stopped stunned, after seeing the sketches on it.
Strangely enough, the two creatures before James and Gary greatly resembled the 'Chariot 'and 'Hangedman' Agents G and Rogan had tackled years before. The sketches were obviously taken that day itself. Seeing how the graphite marks were still so thick. But all signs pointed to one target, Zeal, the maleficious flier, one half of the Judgement duo as the weak point. Gary cocked his gun, ready to put his training to the test.
Meanwhile, James had ducked into a small alley, exhausted. "Desperate times call for desperate measures." He thought, and made a break across the road and got into the mini cooper. A drop of sweat down his brow, he hit the ignition and moved away from the Judgement, only to arc back moments later.
The car moved at high speed, James braced himself on the car door lever. At that split second, Gary fired wildly at Zeal. It worked, and Kuarl flinched, and James dived out of the car.
There was an explosion, and the metal plates burst apart, tearing through the windows of the nearby shops. James sighed.
The destruction was immense, hundreds of lives had already been lost and he felt that he had failed in his duty. But just then, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Amy, Harry! You're fine!" he screamed, but looking at their solemn faces, he asked "What the hell's going on in this city?"
"Don't know, but its very similiar to the 1998 curien mansion case." Harry replied
"That case?" Gary walked over
"Yes, James, Gary, go prevent the confusion in Venice as much as you can, we'll meet at the "Sunset" bridge." Harry replied, "We have a job to do" And the two rushed off.
"No more fooling around now.. Let's go, Gary." James beckoned, turning his back towards the wharf area of the city. The situation was bad, and it was only going to get worse.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 5:35 pm
I am a sian sian person.
I don't know why but time is wasted a lot these days. I end up having nothing accomplished. All I do is sit there, stone, maybe go crazy.
I couldn't care less if I embarass myself or any of you, if I can't control myself you can't do anything can you? Too bad, I didn't ask for a fucking unstable personality either.
My grades are slipping, my humanitarian self is disappearing, I'm turning into the typical asshole on the street, save me please.