Monday, July 31, 2006 5:12 pm
I hate skewl, period.
Was it any coincidence that brandon had to kena his leg the same time i had my migraines?
Did the lit test have to test what I didn't read?
Why did my vocab suck all of a sudden?
How did I cut my tongue on my own teeth this morning?
Why am I always clueless during chinese lessons?
Am I the only one who hasn't finished logbook?
Lol. All I want now is a metronome and a practice pad. Maybe some sleeping pills in case I work myself up again. Nabei, I really lost the ability to control myself. Then I cant stand noise, eat foods I usually dont and avoid those I do. What the, its like im on a transfiguration to an alter ego evil side of me.
It didn't help my mood when that tree branch fell on me and I had to call for help with my own phone. Stuck under a 5m, 60kg tree branch just outside my condo.
I don't blame you guys if you hate me again. Perhaps I should just resign myself to my fate. What am I but a selfish person?
Spinning on this wheel of fate
I have to go round..
Yes, round..
Back to what I hated and left behind.
What I don't want..
What you don't want
All hope is lost...
Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:18 pm
'Twas empty, not known if is not.
Learnt about alternating toms today. Ok, I owe James a coffee just because I read the bleddy score wrong, knn.
Then went to newton food centre for dinner. Too many fucking seafood stalls that place, and use too much styrofoam. Funny thing was, I didn't see any smoking areas. Every goddam table had a no smoking sign.
and I was rereading the lyrics of this song, no wonder it's always been one of my favourites.
It starts with
The one thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try(8 months down the drain)
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time; All I know
Time is a valuable thing, watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away(how true)
It's so unreal
Didn't look down below, watch the time go right the window
Tried to hold on, but didn't even know
Wasted it all, just to watch you go (was it a lie?)
I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time
I tried so hard, and got so far
In the end, it doesn't even matter(damn right)
I had to fall, to lose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how; I tried so hard..
In spite of the way that you(all) were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so far(did it?)
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognise me anymore(like you did)
Not that you knew me back then(maybe) but it all comes back to me
In the end..
I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it mean to me will eventually be a memory of a time
I tried so hard, and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall, to lose it all
In the end, it doesn't even matter..
I put my trust in you(I did)
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this, there's only one thing you should know
I put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this, there's only one thing you should know..
I tried so hard, but got so far.
In the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall, to lose it all
In the end, it doesn't even matter..
And the end is now
1:55 pm
Yesterday, was unreal.
I never existed throughout the entire day. No matter how much I pinched or pulled, no one seemed to know I was there.
The prophetic dreams I've been having that hint me disappearing off the face of this earth are realizing. Maybe not physically, but I feel so empty. There's nothing left of me.
Perhaps the energy of the dance pumped some spirit into me, but it was only temporary ecstasy. I'm just going down.
Perhaps it is true, everything done around me is all arbitrarily without concern or consideration for me. Is everyone hell bent on making me go back to my sec 1 ways? The fuck I know.
Only now, you wouldn't like it more if I got angry.
Friday, July 28, 2006 10:30 pm
In the end, everyone wants to avoid me and surround themselves with other friends. My speculation on being able to be in a group of true friends was untrue after all. Even when I'm not going to know all these people whom I've already spent more than 1 year with.
I hope sec 3 will be better for me.
My memory's going down, I keep forgetting my
Kore Poomsi and the counting from 1 to 10.
Everything's going down, my social communication and human reading skills, my academic ability, my ability to express sincerity, and my wall for emotion. In the end, I always end up on the wrong side of the bed, appearing emo and what not.
Even my sanity's gone now. There's nothing left. All my friends and family are ashamed of me, and there's nothing i can do, period.
To everyone reading this, I sincerely hope you guys can do well for tomorrow's NDP preview. We can't afford to screw up, I'll be so proud watching you guys doing my spirit proud
Because it won't be there
Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:48 pm
My blog is best viewed in 1024 x 768 pixels.

Some things were just not meant for mortal eyes.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:11 pm
I don't get why everyone says they hate Benny Ng.
I sincerely couldn't care why he likes to put the line between the people who have a better standard of Chinese and the ones who don't. I mean, what teacher doesn't? Have you heard of one who doesn't talk about those who are weaker in Chinese? I think that's worse. All I know is that Benny Ng teaches better than Chia Lek Kee, and that's all that matters. They're our teachers, not our classmates, go figure.
Call me guai lan but that's what I think, why should you care if Benny Ng looks extremely metrosexual or what? In case you guys haven't realised his attire is limited by Nan Hua's teacher attire regulations.
Anyway, DnT was quite, fun? The 4 of us made the 3 wire rings, Timmy, Tommy and Tammy! Then they were one, awwww. The remaining wire is called Tummy =D
Half of the class was late for English. I'm not really surprised. And taking over the teacher's mind is not gonna be easy as well, he just isn't intelligent enough for me to try and sap.
Aiya, I thought today would dismiss at 12.30, in the end NDP delay until 2pm. Knn.
Went home to sleep.
It was the face of a demon. Floating devillishly above them, it cast a ball of fire over on Curien - its own master. The fire did not burn the body up immediately, but continued singing the body of the scientist, causing him to wail in agony.
The last thing G or Rogan wanted to know was why this monstrosity would turn on its creator. The priority now was to escape the frenzied machines volley of flame. They charged out the nearby door.
To their amazement, the empty square they were standing on was a platform overlooking the sea! Instinctively, they turned around, just in time to catch the Curien main laboratory burn up in flame. The machine flew out.
"I am.. the ultimate.. I am.. the Magician!"
It moved so fast the agents only saw red and blue silhouttes of itself where it had been a split second earlier. The tiles around them were getting uprooted as the Magician sped around them, shattering into dust.
Never in their lives had G or Rogan been so afraid of death before. They ran around desperately, not even daring to look behind them. The magician was destroying the entire ground of the platform, it would only be a matter of time before Rogan and G were going down with it.
Suddenly, it hit them.
The only point of running would be to delay inevitable death, but what if they tried to beat the odds? They were, after all, the ones chosen for this task. They had a job to do, and they were going to do it.
They turned around and faced the satanic creature. It stopped, and questioned
"You do not fear death?"
"All humans do, even if its deep deep down in their hearts. But we, have no use for fear. Even as humans, as mortals, we stand before you now, and we shall not fall without doing our kind a great favour, by taking you down with us!" Rogan shouted with fervor, but his eyes suddenly opened up in shock.
The magician had taken a stab at him. G could smell burning flesh beside him, but wasted no time in shooting the exposed section of the Magician's inner body. The wires sparked, and the Magician was gone.
G looked around, it was about 18 feet away, hovering in mid air, clutching Rogan with its claws. He immediately raised his handgun to continue his press over the Magician. It shrieked, and launched a long series of fireballs at G, who had no time to react. The fireballs blasted the ground around, narrowly missing him, but blowing him away nonetheless.
The Magician looked mercilessly at the carnage it had created.
Suddenly, the vision it had blanked out.
It felt a giant searing pain from its side. Rogan had pumped a bullet in while his partner served as a distraction. The magician began to fall, and Rogan was about to hit the ground..
A few hours later, two men rushed over to the scene. Both went over to tend to one man each.
"My god, look what just an experiment can do!"
One of the men, James Taylor, picked up a piece of paper on the ground. It read:
"My dear Daniel,
I never wanted to give up on you no matter what the doctors said. It looks like father succeeded in removing that barrier that he never wanted to lose you through. We have a future now, because all my efforts succeeded! You're going to be okay now.
Love, Daddy."
At the back of the letter was inscribed these words, "Types 0, The magician, and the wheel of fate. The future of the world."
The battle was far from over.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:16 pm
I don't wanna talk much about lessons today. Some other extra blogger in our class is gonna do it for me.
BB kind of rocked today.
Sure we were all punished at the start, everyone was late and we had saikang attendance. But the singspiration was well, inspiring? Dunch knoe, just felt like saying.
Drill was very light and we slacked like fuck even though we did 10x better than usual, the irony. Then we saw the NCC "army" run past us JUST when we were going to try to command to run.
I hated bible quiz training today, was so sian. JiaJun asked me what the Jebusites said to David. The answer was "You are not welcome here".
Keith happened to ask clarence who were the people who told David that he was "not welcome" ._.
Want to let people know that your parents are real important in your life. I don't know what's wrong with the minds of people who push their parents around yet complain about them. They're your PARENTS, not your SLAVES. Sure they're responsible to take care of you, but you're INDEBTED to them, so shut the fuck up before you say anything.
Whatever they do, its probably always for our own good. "You're a fricking childish bastard to say that" you may say, get that "my parents owe me cuz I suck balls" attitude out of your head, you're never going to be anywhere spiritually or mentally healthy as the next guy out there.
But for the rest of you who actually love your parents. I don't see why you shouldn't just tell them, wouldn't you do the same for a crush? Same logic, only that its with some people you see everyday.
Don't waste time arguing with them, ultimately, they'll leave this world before you, and you'll have that sinking feeling after they do, only that it'll be permanent if you don't spend time with them now.
Rogan was awoken by the sound of ripping. His blurred vision slowly focused clearly. G was tearing off all the web on his body.
"Oh great, you fainted too?" G said, "The top AMS agent passing out on a mission, fancy that!" he continued with a chuckle.
The good thing about G was, no matter how Rogan suspected he wasn't normal due to his overly serious and calculative personality, G always seemed to know the right thing to do or say to cheer people up. "He's been watching my back these past few hours" Rogan thought as he watched his partner free him from the web shackles on his body.
He finally got up. His limbs were numb and his hands were cold. Rogan glanced at his watch : 22.17; 18/12/1998 . The two agents had been taking too long. Rogan looked around for a sign. Just then, the hermit leapt down from an upward shaft.
Suddenly, the lights in the tunnel shut off.
In panic, the two agents ran off behind it. What mattered now was that they manage to escape from this area. It wouldn't be feasable to try and fight the hermit in a place so constrained. As if their prayers had been answered, the tunnel ended, but they felt themselves fall down.
As they crashed into the solid concrete floor beneath them, they heard an explosion from the tunnel. Green blood then train on their backs.
One thing was for certain, the Curien main laboratory obviously had some sort of malfunction.
Monday, July 24, 2006 9:57 pm
I don't care what shit literature dumps on me. Seriously, the shadow of the
feast beast is just boring shit that revolves around 3 chapters.
Sets in maths isn't exactly as exciting as the invention of the wheel either.
One thing's for certain, I'm quite confident in Benny Ng's potential in his ability to teach Chinese. As for his possible ulterior motives, I don't have to bother. It's only going to benefit me and the relationship between him and me is just between teacher and student.
Poor Mr Teo is getting my pity, even though he's a super pathetic teacher. You guys don't seem to realise we're going to breed another Edmund Ng if we keep pushing him around like this.
Tell you what, I'm going to try and be the teacher's pet so I can feed him false feedback and I can try to control the class as much as possible.
Rogan was bleeding profusely.
At this rate, he wasn't going to make it. G was unconscious and he was lost in the biotech labs of the Curien Mansion. The hordes of zombies were getting larger and larger. Handling them alone while still protecting G's stiff body was raining hard on him.
All of a sudden, he slipped..
He dropped into a pit roughly 4 metres deep. Looking up, he saw G's body slowly slide off the gratings he had placed him on. It had been a trap, Rogan thought as he stared at the moving floor panels. But suddenly coming to, he ran over and grabbed his partner's body before he could hit the cold, hard ground. Rogan then slowly put G down, and sat down.
It'd already been a long day.
He looked at his custom made digital watch - a gift from Sophie. It read 21.03; 18/12/1998. Seven hours into the mansion and he was nowhere near Curien's main laboratory. He'd lost his love and his friends. All because of the gene.
He began to weep. Now his partner was unconscious and he felt so helpless. His sobs echoed throughout the pit in an exxageratedly loud fashion. This scared him and he looked up.
There lay a palm panel, neon green, waiting to be pushed.
Rogan had nothing to lose anymore. He sat up and hammered it once with his fist. The floor of the pit began to rumble, and the corners began to open up - to reveal a slope downwards. The gradient was too great and both G and Rogan began sliding down. Rogan screamed, this was a nightmare. He looked around the circular tunnel, and noticed a shiny, translucent liquid along the sides. He instinctively reached out to touch some.
"Wait a minute, this isn't lubricant" he frowned.
The slope suddenly ended.
In an instant, the question in Rogan's head was answered. The giant spider in front of him was as still as a rock.
"How do you like the hermit?" A voice boomed over the tunnel, "You can forget about getting any closer, for he shall be your impending doom!"
Rogan swore. It was a bad time for something like this to happen. But he stood his ground, and took fire at the Hermit's eyes. The Hermit hissed and impaled Rogan with one of its legs, it then proceeded to wrap up the two men.
"Damn it.." and Rogan saw black..
Sunday, July 23, 2006 8:30 pm
Pokai's quiz, doing for fun.
Stubborn and hard hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught.
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize.
Hardworking and productive (are you kidding me?) .
Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others unhappy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive.
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal.
Has fair social abilities yet easily jealous. Very stubborn and money cautious.
I'm sure as hell not going to type everything out from pokai's blog so you guys are all safe from doing dumb quizzes.
Writing more the house of the dead stories. The next 3 shall be the Hermit, the Magician, and Judgement.
And I agree with the people at Dattebayo. Naruto fillers make me want to die in a fire. Really. I'm better off watching Bleach forever.
1:47 pm
Something went horribly wrong yesterday so I didn't post, no matter.
I reached central at about 2.45, feeling bored, I went to buy some bubble tea, cappucino flavoured to be exact, and all of a sudden, I heard a shout from mcdonalds. The dynamic duo Garion and Jeremy were sitting there, feeling early, I went over to have a chat with them.
Then I saw beatrice and serene, the two asked me what I was doing sitting there ONE AT A TIME. Then the guys who went to celebrate melvin's birthday came and started asking me what I was doing there. >_> i hate having to repeat myself.
It wasn't long before Garion and Jeremy left and I caught up with the guys walking to school. For don't know what reason they just had to walk a long way round to school. And by the way, in case any of you were wondering, I
I tried to be funny on the bus, except no one really gave half a shit. I have to thank yishuo for teaching me "yiu mo guei guai kuai tian zhao".
Btw its actually "yao1 mo2 gui3 guai4 kuai4 dian3 zou3", except its how americans butcher the chinese Language, ahahaha.
Had dinner straightaway after reaching the stadium. I so hate the vegetables, they're the reason why I didn't finish all of my food. Yuck.
Some of us went to the stadium benches to take a look at the show. Then I was like speculating what happened if Sheikh Haikel took the flying fox down, lawl. Imagine! but too bad our entertainment was short lived, cuz we had to go back.
At that point, my legs already couldn't take it but I still tried to push as far as I could. The pain made me think of a lot of stuff; why I was so dumb to get those injuries; how everyone else gets concern for their pains, things like that.
Performance was very horrible. Everyone lost timing half of the time because we couldn't assimiliate to the new music, let alone with those "kakakakakakakakakakaka" sounds. I was laughing half of the time. Then we repeated the finale 9023851111111111102847812604712657836337371337 times. MAN WAS IT GOOD FOR MY LEGS! D=<
then adrian tan, bah.
I reached school to see 2/4 getting owned. My guess was that some of them started to hoard the food they provided and wanted to bring home. I sincerely have no comments for this.
Then after that followed Jasline and Jessica to macs. We were talking about how people think Benny Ng's trying to get chia lek kee sacked. I sincerely hope he's doing it because he knows she sucks, not because of the dough he's gonna get for being our main form.
I'm a tired man, a
tired, tired man.
Rogan clicked the button panel beside the cage, the bars rose with a low rumble.
The researchers inside were pale, with seemingly no reaction to their new freedom. All they had were blank expressions. Trembling, one of them pointed to a nearby ladder, and stuttered..
"They.. t..took Walt..ter and S..s...amantha up th.. th.. there."
Wasting no time, the two climbed up the ladder. And before them, was the marvellous view of the entire Curien Mansion rooftop gardens. However, they had no time to admire the scenery, and shot glares at the flying creature.
It resembled a cross between a wolf and a bat. In its high nasally voice, it screeched, "This is as far as you go, I'll finish you here!" Saying, he charged over them and grabbed two researchers from a gazebo with his leg-talons. Without skipping a beat, he moved over to the center of the garden square and dropped them through into the ground. The two researchers screamed, plumetting down 15 stories below..
G was unable to control himself any longer. The usually cool, calm man roared and wasted no time drawing his beretta handgun and shooting at the monster.
"You think you can harm me? I am the Hanged man, and you shall suffer my namesake!" the creature taunted, and squirted blood out of its body pores. The blood hardened into bat-shaped projectiles, flying towards the duo.
The two split up, as the Hanged man obviously wouldn't be able to keep up its aim for long. Rogan started to be targeted. An experienced police officer, he suddenly stopped and took aim at the Hanged man's eye. But before he could pull the trigger, a blood projectile hit him straight in the chest. He fainted.
G, shocked at his partner's failure, panicked, eventually tripping over a protruding floor tile and falling over the parapet. Fortunately, a godsend came in the form of a Gargoyle statue, which he managed to hold on to. G was nervous, a millisecond in a break of his concentration would mean the same fate as the two hapless researchers. Not wanting to die with his mission unaccomplished, he took his gun hand and tried to climb up.
But a large, slimy hand grabbed his legs and dragged him down. Once again, G was lucky, he had been pulled to the floor below by a zombie. G shot it dead before running back to the ladder once more. He could hear the voice again.
"No use hiding here, this is my turf!"
But the voice was getting fainter and fainter, it was obvious that the Hanged man had trouble locating G. G took a few seconds to catch his breath, a move that would save his life.
In that short time span, G had spotted the cage control panel again. He started to concoct a plan in his mind, one that was just crazy enough to work. He climbed up the ladder and looked around for the Hanged man.
But in an instant, he felt a claw swipe across the back of his shoulder, and he winced. The sound of the triumphant squeal of the Hanged man wasn't exactly music to his ears, but the sign was there, the Hanged man had spotted him. G jumped off the ladder down and headed into the cage.
The next moments happened in a flash.
The Hanged man swooped down to the floor below.
He made the turn and spotted G inside the cage.
He flew in.
G shot the rough position of the button panel outside from inside the cage.
The cage bars smashed down, just hammering the body of the Hanged man into the floor. G walked over to the body and crushed the skull with his foot for good measure, and waited. His partner would be awakening anytime soon..
Saturday, July 22, 2006 1:27 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELVIN!Man, everything I do, I screw up.
Last night, in just 3 short minutes, I received an opening of an old wound back at my thigh, abrasions via a BLUNT force, and a very bad scratch.
Feel sorry for elbowing him so hard he had to go to hospital, guess my conscience wont let me go.
Everything, no one respects my decision. Everytime I'd do something I want, people go "wtf yoo d0 TaT 4? O_O lawlzdumbfucker idiot".
Can I do something I want for once? Instead of blindly following the crowd about to march off over a cliff? Dude, I have a life damn it.
And what's up with that "I hit you, you cannot hit me back" attitude? Why do
SINGAPOREANS always have to carry that mentality around? Say you insult my parent's sexuality, I strike back by mentioning your lack of, say, height. You start whining like a pussy and try to shove me around. Yeah, its that shit I hate. If you want to be aggressive, you'd better prepare to build a wall, because I ain't taking that shit no more. Even if you don't know a thing called "justice" or "equality", there's always "karma" for the freethinkers - what goes around, comes around
I may restrain myself from getting angry, but people, don't try to push it, I may just snap. Anytime soon.
"That voice!"
"Yeah, I heard it too"
"it MUST be her"
Rogan bashed down the door with his heel. Sure enough, Sophie was there. Lying on one side, she recovered.
"I was so scared.."
Before the two could get close to each other, G instinctively pulled his partner back from the shoulder. At that moment, a giant metallic humanoid crashed down from the ceiling above. Bearing an axe, it gave out a low cry. With a great swing, he whacked Sophie across the room, and she collided with the wall after a sickening crunch of bones.
"No." Rogan gasped
"We've got bigger problems to worry about, look out!" G yelled.
The steel warrior had immense superhuman strength, after minutes of futile dodging and firing, the two agents stopped at a corner of the room.
"My god.."
"This is.. type 27... the "Chariot". One of Curien's greator works." G said, a serious look on his face, "Just like how you can take down a chariot by aiming the centre of the wheel where the spokes cross.. that's it! Aim the heart!"
It was apparent where the heart was, a red glowing orb at the center left of the body. Rogan took aim and fired, just seconds before the Chariot could strike. It worked, the Chariot regurgitated out foul green liquid onto the floor. With a hiss, the liquid corroded the finely polished tiles. Rogan jumped back in shock, but without skipping a beat, shot a volley across.
The Chariot recoiled, vibrating wildly. Suddenly, the armor it was wearing burst apart to reveal a huge green meaty mass. Wasting no time, the two AMS agents blasted their way through, the Chariot collapsed.
"Sophie!" Rogan yelled, tears welling up in his eyes.
He could hardly recognise the bloody body in front of him. Sophie weakly tilted her head up..
"Thomas, I'm sorry.."
And she breathed no more.
The man Thomas Rogan then cried no longer, face contorting with rage, he placed his hand on Sophie's cold, dead shoulder.
"Damn you Curien, for the love of god, DAMN you!" Rogan cried. But a comforting hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder. G gave a frown.
Understanding, the two men walked out of the ballroom chamber and continued on.
Friday, July 21, 2006 5:07 pm
Had a bad sore throat so bought strepsils today.
I was watching a part of the botanical family as they were planning their geog thingy. They had 3 powerpuff girls and spongebob O_O so weird. Then blur blur jasline had to go say the nice painted house was the AFTEREFFECTS of acid rain and the derelict house that was falling apart was the one before. WOW ACID RAIN RESTORES OLIOLIOLIOLO
Goodbye and good riddance to miss poon btw
Then recess, the queues were crazy. I spent 10 mins queueing at the MALAY FOOD STALL WTF? Then i went to buy roasted pork rice also, then i couldn't finish my roti john(omfg im sorry i mean roti zhongheng). But in the end, after a 5 minute push through the drink stall, me and the guys were still waiting for the girls, and we were mass late for chem.
Chemistry was okay, I understood everything, same went for maths. Amazing eh?
I paid attention during chinese! =D
Then it was control C and control V mania as we did thinking skills, had a shit lot of info. Sian.
Fell asleep on the way back home. Dreamt of the possibility on how I'd be the ultimate downfall of someone whom I don't remember who, to the extent that the person would try to kill me.
But just like how every DotA hero can be gay. I realised how everyone can be likeable. Even your worst enemy is likeable to his/her friends, its just how you perceive it and whether you get the opportunity to see the good points on the person.
Which is what the majority of us fail to realise as we live through life, we're always so cooped up with our own narrow minded views that we tend to forget we share the earth with 6 billion people.
Not that the Earth is going to last long.
I predict world war 3 is gonna start soon. On the red corner, will be Lebanon + Pakistan + France + Any countries with terrorist networks in them + North Korea + China (Largest army in the world)!
In the blue corner, will be the rest of the pathetic world! Which includes us, prepare to be nuked. I always knew the world would end in 2007. Even bible speculations say so, goodbye to you my trusted friends, we may not have the time to enjoy with each other after all.
Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:12 pm
I never thought I'd say this, but soccer is
somewhat fun. You just gotta get involved.
My stomach cramps and headaches got worse throughout the entire day. I had to keep a straight face in front of everyone save I start looking like a retard. Awww.
Thinking skills was really sad, a lot of stuff happened, misunderstandings here and there, especially for me not knowing that you can search images on youtube. Boring assembly came soon after.
Maths - mr chee wrote over clk's period by accident. In the end her period couldn't do anything. then came the dreaded history test omfg. Quite easy, except i didn't know question 7 so I wrote bullshit.
and yishuo wrote "OSAMA BIN LADEN" in the question asking for the indonesian president"Went back home and finished shadow of the beast, chionged 5%( 180k exp) in maple.
And er, mom. You don't have to make such a big fuss about yan's grades for his mid year, its only a bloody mid year. And by the way, the news that I didn't have mid year came 3 months ago, and you had to accuse me of lying, call up the school and embarass yourself, and scold me for not telling you I didn't have mid year?
I am..
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:50 pm
Saw 4th job skill videos yesterday, current 2 skills for each class is ownage.
Felt like crap in school today. Was making all sorts of lame ass comments with my dumb headache. this carried on all the way til English. By Chinese, I was spouting gibberish to what was left of fag 5 and my counsellour.
but I'd been looking forward to NDP. Only problem was, the headache + stomach cramps were still hitting me. I could still clearly make out the superduperoverthewallsonofabitch vague actions those damn dancers in the front were doing. Damn you.
also, Eddie's out of it, awww =( But if I were him I'd try to convince them to let me continue on.
Then its like, our practice was sibei stale. No one had any mood to do, though group X still continued to own people at formation 5 =D we are teh rox. cept for jia hong xuan who gets bullied by mr ng constantly. SOMEONE CALL SPCA PL0X
The shoes were crap, hard rubber smell, heavy, as well as unfitting. Looked like ordinary mass-produced shoes for the sake of performance type. I can't bear to imagine the gloves now.
Then I thought of doing the dance drunk because I was feelin real dizzy, brandon took to the idea straightaway >=D
If that wasn't bad enough, someone "accidentaly" struck me with the edge of his laptop on the bus. My head was bruising quite badly, but it didn't bleed until I reached home. Then I think i'm like developing a fever now.
God gave me a sickly body for a weird unapparent reason. Physical punishment is ok but its inside where I'm weak.
I don't know, maybe my held up emotions are affecting my health or something.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:35 pm
"You know, Ben? I'm sian.."
"Why are you sian?"
"I tell you...
I try to cook, but got burnt by frying pan
MRT door toot toot toot, nearly kena my hand
All the girls I know, say only see me as friend
Nabei lift at my block, just broke down again..
I wake up in the morning and I don't know who I am
I am sian.. sian..
I'm not happy, I'm not sad, but I sure know where I'm at
I am sian.. sian..
I'm just walking down the street, and I don't know what to eat
I am sian.. sian..
Every second every minute every hour everyday
I am sian.. sian..
How did I get so sian?
I got job interview, but got hole in my pants
Go see show, but the fella in front damn tall can?
My PC kena virus, my toilet flush spoil
My brand new handphone kena drop in cooking oil..
I wake up in the morning and I don't know who I am
I am sian.. sian..
I'm not happy, I'm not sad, but I sure know where I'm at
I am sian.. sian..
I'm just walking down the street, and I don't know what to eat
I am sian.. sian..
Every second every minute every hour everyday
I am sian.. sian..
How did I get so sian?
I... I'm so frus
I... I'm so frus
I... I'm so frus
Early in the morning and its raining in the night
I am sian.. sian..
The weather cannot change and neither can my life
I am sian.. sian..
I am talking to myself cuz there's really no one else
I am sian.. sian..
I may think I have a choice, but I really have no voice
I am sian.. sian..
I'm really very sian..
Posted this because I was really sian after thinking so much, sian.
If anyone wants to give/can give me a counselling session please feel free to ask. I've had a shit load from life already.
Monday, July 17, 2006 7:59 pm
Woke up today and went to get allowance from mom, who had been sleeping only 4 hours since her arrival this morning. She only gave me $10, had to borrow cash from yan to topup EZ link and pay for the movie ticket.
Today rocked, practically no lessons. Music, bleah, boring as usual. PE, VOLLEYBALL ZAM-MIN for the win! so fun =D
Geography was the real lesson there, and there was some dispute over when the re-test was supposed to be held. We won in the end. though.
After recess we all went to the auditorium with 2/2 and 2/4 to watch the Nan Hua international Summer Camp 2006's opening ceremony. The performances were quite nice, but me and jack started to sing some of the performing music bands and ensemble's music with the lyrics "This is the song that doesn't end" hehe.
So me, Zhipeng, Roanna, and 4 J's - Jack, John, Jasline, Jessica headed over to causeway point. Cracked some super lame jokes on the way. Then we were like camping at cold storage when we reached, cuz pastamania had a student offer only at 2pm. I don't know why, but the counter guy was making a big deal out of the fact that he was giving us 2 minutes grace for the offer. Anyway, Jack the monster eater had a 10" pizza on his own, while in contrast, Jasline Jessica and Zhipeng were SHARING one pizza. tsk tsk tsk, I had the bacon Aglio, but they didn't have fusilli =( had to settle for spaghetti
Pirates of the
Currybean Carribean!
The movie was sooooooo long, and soooooooo funny, so many bloody funny scenes. All physical comedy, as expected of Depp though. Loved his wit even in the face of danger and deception. He kind of contradicted his asshole-ish character. I must say the highlights of the movie were 1. The cage swinging part, 2. The giant wheel, and 3. The Kraken attacks. And the speculation of Davy Jones having a face like Kuay Chap was so right man.
I want to say that the lightsaber fights with cellophane paper rolls never happened.
On the MRT, me, jasline and jack were "seperated" from the rest of the group. Then we made lame jokes about falling and "martial arts training", in the end, I got off at Choa Chu Kang and took LRT.
That's when I met, Fiza.
She was this petite Malay girl I met on the LRT. I was standing in front of her and she just asked where I was from. Then she started to compliement my uniform. Then she gave me an intro of herself, and we did a handshake.
The following quotes were given by an actual human"Okay, we're friends now, so you have to listen to my singing, loneliiiiiiiiiiiiii, im mister lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyy, i got nobodyyyyyyyyyyyy......"
"Wa. your name sophisticated"
"*friend beside her whispers to her* what cheebye? you don't have ah?"
Turns out she's a chain smoker that wants to quit. Sadly she's already hooked on it. she can't call helplines because she's underaged and she'll get screwed over big time. I gave her my number anyway.
Its been a long day.
Sunday, July 16, 2006 7:28 pm
Happy birthday Weijiang!
Hope you like that thingy they got you. >.<
I think dinner yesterday was quite fun, those rulang pri sch kids came back to indoor stadium after their performance, then we go stand in one column, spam greetings. "Sawa di ka", "Konnichiwa", "Bonjour mezza mi", or whatever foreign language greeting >_> then we started to spam "welcome to singapore" yijo's idea lol.
I also ate my lipstick D=
Jack as usual, was the monster during dinner, gobble gobble gobble. Bao4 yin3 bao4 shi2. whatever
Cherhan mysteriously disappeared while we were heading to the national stadium, worst still, he wasn't even with joel, so where the fuck was he? We don't know, but he came back.
"Okay guys move FORWARD!"
That's a phrase I'm never going to forget, something the whole of Nan Hua high's core dancers for ndp loathed during our trainings. After 3 more session, all we'll have left is memories..
I'm glad I'm not with the class now, if not I really she3 bu4 de2 li2 kai1 2/5.
Why am I even speaking chinese now? >_>
Okay, after the performance we went back to indoor stadium duno for what-reason-other-than-assembling-the-class. Then Kenny and Jasline asked me to take pictures with them, I reluctantly agreed. Okay, I didn't smile for the camera because 1. I don't really like taking photos, and 2. the positionings were rather awkward.
When we left, Jack, Jerry and I went to take food for the class. Then it turned out that 2/5 crossed the bridge without us! Damn it, we had to get clearance and all that shit, and we were damn stressed out. Then we waited so long for the bus(actually, 2/11 and 2/9 were the last to leave, at 12.30am from Tanjong Rhu Road). And, stuff happened.
I think I ran out of fingers to count how many people cried today. Its like, WOW. Could someone teach me how to transform your eyes into living taps? I'd like to know.
Why can't you all be cheerful a bit? Like me, or Chao hsien, or Jasline, or Bryan. Crying doesn't really do much, just a bit, but you could just channel all that energy and emotion somewhere else?
Dad fetched me back after, and reached home about 12.45. phew.
Today's enrolment service was simply pathetic. Squad 2 sec 2s and 3s only got 6 people nia. Sec 1 got more than us la. Bad news for those who ponned, your ranks are frozen indefinitely, which means you cant get promotions unless JT feels you deserve it, tyty
Max pavillion, I missed the place. The entire place didn't really change much, the ambience was pretty much there. But all the songs they sang I dont know lawl. But it was so nice. too bad pastor melvyn had to bore us all to death again as usual D= even clarence they all all sleeping
Then we gathered for a BQ briefing. After that the few of us volunteered to take the bus back to central with the GB cadets. But not before heading over to the FCBC foodfare =D the hotdogs are like super cheap! $1 for one and a choice of sauces. 1337 lo, but the curry puffs are fucking small, like the milo packet from yesterday.
Was nearly half dead on the bus, keith/dekguan/sohkhoon/anyone else from 2/11 who were there/ were all sleeping like logs, even when the bus threw them around.
gonna cut hair later, waahaahahhaahahhaahahah =(
Saturday, July 15, 2006 12:23 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY QIANYILol, have a confession to make that I was only using you to propell myself far ahead in class. sorry bout that =D, but enjoy your day anyway!
NE show later, rock the stadium to the ground guys! Do my enthu-spirit proud!
Lol I sound like I just died and I'm talking to you guys from beyond? Heh.
I'm here without you baby
Think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight.. its only you and me
Friday, July 14, 2006 4:35 pm
Rofled at Naruto 193 today, was so damn dumb. Bleach 88 was nice too! Too bad not much storyline progress other than the start of the bounto hideout invasion. Byakuya should be coming soon btw =D
Today was, okay. Had to fall in before flagraising, was late though. In the end, we stood there for so long we had to say the pledge outside the BB/NPCC room. Just for a 20 second briefing =/
Then me and kenny "lost" our bags because no one could be bothered to take them. Luckily keith got them for us from the general office. Thanks keith, owe ya one =)
Had some history and english before recess. Then it was soon the test hell period.
Chemistry was real okay, considering the fact that the teacher wrote most of the answers on the board while revising with us. Hehe, but I - about 4 marks already, cuz 2 mcq wrong and I didn't know how to draw the ions.
Maths was simply, tedious. I spent 20 mins on the first 2 pages doing shit. Then I flipped back and did the quadratic graph, sword blade graph FTW! Then I rushed the rest in 15 minutes, got real weird numbers though.
After that Chinese, more clk disrespect and humour, and boring lit. Wanted to go home initially but I decided to join Kenny and the others at macs.
Evil me decided to buy bubble tea and drink inside. OMFG.
Took MRT/LRT home with beatrice and peijun, the conversation was kinda dead.
105th post.
Reminded me of 105, when there was no yishuo or xiahao. I was one.
Being a loner really pissed me off, I was also a real unrefined asshole so I shot my mouth off and threw my temper everywhere. Thinking back, I can see why they hate me. Being such a real pain in the ass, is just so..
Everyday I accuse Zhipeng of being a moronic assclown, but this little hypocrite used to be one. What the hell.
So much held up anger here makes me want to just kill someone. Or maybe I should just go lose a few body parts like Ed and maybe I could release all my anger by finally being able to cry over something worth tears. I..
I've always wanted to be analytic about people, so far I haven't been able to find out shit from anyone, how the hell am I supposed to live out my vision? I had it all planned out and stuff, and if I continue to procrastinate now, who knows what I may end up?
As public as this may be, this
IS my diary, and my reservoir for thought, thank you.
Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:24 pm
Something was terribly wrong with me today.
Never have I ever stopped guailaning during morning assembly. When I was in class, I felt like I was being too quiet for no apparent reason. Even that little "debate" we had during english I felt that I was being too recessive and had a sandbag blocking off my voice.
Then PE was >_>, never bring PE attire, then I wanted to keng, but I suddenly wanted to play, which was btw very unlike me. I spent most of the time marking and blocking off multiple people at once since we were outnumbered 3 to 1 and I suck ass at catching/throwing.
If that wasn't worse enough, I perspired til no end. Never have I felt so wet other than my Taekwondo trainings or after I've just had a swim. And I suddenly developed a huge appetite for food but I somehow managed to curb the temptation to gobble down everything in sight. Perhaps I had been under some undue stress?
Geography was okay? N.Z.Y.M.E did their project presentation on deforestation. But we couldn't fill up the worksheet with their info though >.< Thinking skills was okay, cept that Mr Lum was on to us about imitating him, he's gonna go soon though.
And, after a boring assembly, to my horror (I DONT KNOW WHY SERIOUSLY), there was a rumour going around that Mr Chee was going to leave us. As much as I think his lessons are boring, I wouldnt really want him to leave that soon. Sad to say that his body language during his lesson was confirming my fear.
Which brought me to think, we're having a mass genocide of teachers here. First went Miss Wang, then Miss Chng(okay it was the change of bio to physics), Miss Yeo???? O_O, then Shamimah, now Mr Lum and possibly Mr Chee? What. The. Fuck.
Moving on to my own life now.
More soul searching on while on the bus caused me to kind of shatter.
There're so many things I wish I could do out there. But no, I just had to be naturally clumsy and shortsighted. Not to mention a rather unstable personality. I'm a bit doubtful on what my "friends" really think about me. I look back on myself and realise I'm seriously fucking annoying sometimes.
Everyone may have something that they're good at, but then I'm always dabbling into stuff. In the end, I become a Jack of all trades, and a master of none. I'm not actually GOOD at anything, I fare below average for everything I do even though I do a lot of stuff. Pisses me off.
I feel nothing but admiration for those people who can be great at doing things or mixing with people and yet still lack nothing in return. Gifted, and they still can complain about their lives, take your fucking shoes off and try mine on for size! You'll never feel useful. Even my progress in human psychological study is going down the drain bad.
A man once said "Use your talent to your fullest". I say "Give me talent damn it".
Leaves spiralling, trees shaking
Wind howling to its extreme
So loud you'd never hear me say
"I love you so"
Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:58 pm
Mom's gone to hongkong for a business trip/shopping spree/money burning time.
She'll be back quite soon so doesn't really matter.
Sooo, today was slack as how the wednesday timetable appears. D&T was quite fun? Had loads of laughs while trying to draw stuff without making them look like some other stuff. Then after that like 81759137589713895137597 people asked me to help me put their stuff in class, boy were they pissed when I went to eat as well, sorry guys =)
English and Chinese was void time, just stone there and crack a few lame jokes, hardy har har. Though I did abandon my group during Chinese presentation, looking at Mr Ng, I could tell first impressions lasted on him.
During the whole of NDP, I was thinking about how I always act like an idiot in order to get people to actually realise im there. As far as I know, that's the only thing I'm good for around friends, no matter who they are. If there's anyone actually reading this, think about it, when was the last time I talked to you without being retarded?
Sometimes, I wonder how you guys talk to each other without having to whore your way up. I'm tired of being the cynical clown, I'm sick of being left out of stuff, who the fuck said I'm a loner? I'm a people person.
Right now, I see rain
A rain of emotions
My emotions
Pride, anger, hatred, sadness
All over me for a moment
With patience, the rain is over
And they are gone..
Tuesday, July 11, 2006 6:40 pm
You know, sometimes, I find that life is a bit too complicated for us to ever be able handle.
Take today, I was doing some soul searching while walking around in my house. Overheard mom talking to a friend about how much of a failure of a mother she was, presumably's because of Yan's pon school stunt.
Even our parents can face pressure almost equal to us students, I mean, not that I didn't already know but this was my first time seeing the effects of it.
Okay, at that point I wanted to cry already, but cannot =/
Our lives are all revolved around money, your entire purpose of going to school is so you can have a piece of paper that can land you a job for the sake of money. And if you don't have money, you can't "take care of your family and friends", because it all boils down to the cost of living.
Damn it.
Found out that Dad was a real slacker in his school days too. But he got a simple job and worked his way to the top. I admire him for that. He's a bit more practical, always teaching me that even if you don't do well in school, its the working world where you need to do your best.
Since last year, I've learnt to always treasure my parents and not to lose patience with them, despite what they do that may annoy me. They're the only parents I have and they went through 9 months of hell to make sure I was alive. Even now as my mom packs up for HongKong, she never forgets about my allowance for the week.
No matter how much they've wronged you or made mistakes, the only reason you're alive now is because they've taken care of you under their wing since you were a child, that's reason enough to love them for who they are, not to mention the mutual respect you should have for them when they're in their position.
If any of you have problems, just drop me a call and tell me about it, i'll usually be free so I can focus my attention on you =)
8:38 am
Ahahahaha at com lab now!
New co-form looks nice and friendly, hope he doesn't shatter my miserable dreams of having a decent teacher PLUHZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Prepare for tagboard spam guys! =D
Monday, July 10, 2006 5:28 pm
Finally, after like 5 months? Lawl, no biggie really. Considering i double post sometimes, heh.
1am, we were daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn bored so we decided to watch a vcd of the first Pokemon movie. It looks so cute now that I think about it, but I am kinda ashamed i still remember all 386 =/
Then the finals started, and we were trying our very best to try and be enthu like Jack, who was like screaming the entire match. We all cracked a bunch of super lame jokes, e.g settle the draw with a Chi koh pah battle royale. lmao
Zidane headbutt! oh my fug gawd, that was the highlight of the entire match, that dumb maneovre of his had to get him a red card and miss the penalty shootouts, which resulted in...
Either way, we all cleared up our 2nd cups of coffees and dug into our cup noodles(cheese cake for Jasline). Then duno why we were all so kan cheong and we had our socks on at 5.40. Then suddenly, I was looking at everyone at an angle, then I felt like I was in some sort of dormitory/hostel!
I thought it was pretty funny. Until we stepped out of Roanna's house to put our shoes on, then to me it looked like Roanna's mom had six kids studying in the same school :X Oh, then guai lan Jack had to open the umbrella so fast, even when we were still walking through the HDB void decks ._.
We hopped onto a 198 at about 6, and as luck would have it, everyone took a single seat unoccupied seperately as apparently members of the public have no initiative to sit inside/pair up to sit. In the end we were all like seperated? Lol, then I couldn't see the outside of the bus well so I was quite nervous we would miss a stop. In the end, everyone woke up and we didn't.
The 6 of us then entered school by the back gate, and trudged to the canteen for "sleeping session", EVEN there I was still spamming the NDP dances, I was soooooooo bored can? Then I bought some food and water to relieve myself from the extreme amounts of coffee( or rather, hei1 kai1 shui3, as me and jack would've put it).
I have no idea how I managed to survive the entire morning awake and with that fricken PE shirt on, its SO DAMN PRICKLY AND ITCHY CAN? Even my intro at the music room was kinda an accident. Slept during recess and barely scraped it through lit and video journalism. ahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The last 2 hours of the day was the most agonizing wait i've ever gone through.
I don't care, imma pon bb tomorrow.
Way to go, 100th post! =)
Sunday, July 09, 2006 10:30 pm
stupid mr brown show influence.
ya, anyway ndp yesterday was like, erm. fun? I duno. Started off with lunch at pizza hut, jack the hungry hungry hippo ate a lot of stuff damn quick. then total was like 96+ and i was like broke can? and I read some hilarious article about this cop who killed his kid by stabbing him while trying to give him a hug and forgetting he had a bleddy knife in his hand .
gah, Then i thought the costume was getting smaller and smaller as we wore, had a few chats with kenny, then there was some confusion over where to put the bags, everyone thought supposed to put in DNT room, in the end some dumb bastard go decide to put in NP room, a decision that EVERYONE WOULD REGRET, LATER.
got on the bus to spam "zhingyao is gay" according to the ndp music. okaaaay.
then it was mass camp at Singapore indoor stadium! Group X was upstairs with U V and W. We had some sort of squashed up performance at the acute void that they call "space" . Group X had a TRIANGLE for a diamond can?
then dinner! gam lan until jerome and kendric had to find me to bring me to dinner area can? sucks, we had like 1 piece of chicken, 1 shrooms burger without mushroom AGAIN, and one mashed potato. thankew.
then makeup. Okay, even if it was a for a second, I was THANKFUL that i never crossed the line from annoyance to anger. I think, if I were to break a promise of 8 months, i would've cried and broke a 2 year promise to someone. Just, lucky i kept my cool.
But the practice and hanabi were the ones that really lit up the day - literally. Then i pitied the people who didn't come because there were "no fireworks", when there were actually "no high level" fireworks. Ahahahahaha, then I felt so trustworthy after that cuz i realised 2 people told me who they liked. reached home at 12, okay.
Sunday : 9th July 2019 2006Woke up for tuition. MiSSED THE FIRST HALF OF GERMANY VS PORTUGAL NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. only managed to see the second goal scored by schweinsteingerieaiousdka;slfAWQ?.d?S>A?Ds,cz>?X<@!"$@!"$!%. =(
then went to Yamaha's. FUN FUN FUN! We jammed today, sooooo coool. Then I was like crashing cymbals half of the time xD, but i seriously need a few more practices in.
At roanna's house camping for world cup, FRANCE FTW! =D
Friday, July 07, 2006 6:26 pm
Dear Jesus,
I know this has been due for a while, considering I forget to talk to you besides table grace.
Ahem, where shall I start?
Firstly, I'd like to apologise for being "evil" to friends, and claiming that I'm "evil". Those friends are ones who have been angry at me due to my annoyance especially. Aw, no offence, but I don't think you'd accept an evil person in that great big food buffet up in the sky? =(
you know what I mean? being the all knowing and all.
So anyway, here comes the usual from everyone, the "favours" list.
Myself - I would sincerely like to stop having stigmatas and bleeding from random parts of my body that are usually concealed.
Cuz YY - Help him with vitality to pia his DK faster cuz i wanna play his account!
Yan - Study harder!
Zhiyang(not campus superstar plz) - get his account back
Roanna- help her get either Jas or Jess to get their parents to agree to let them stay over
Kenny - help solve whatever problems he's having that I don't know about
Kelvin - pull him out of whatever state he's in?
Zhipeng - Increase his IQ by 700 to 100 because its hard to stand him now
JingYew - Help him grow a spine and find his own friends
Nicky/Zishuo - Bball tournament
Sec 2 BB guys - Better attendance besides squad 4
The rest of Nan Hua sec 1s and 2s - better morale for NDP trainings.
Ok,so anyway, have I told you about today's DOTA session? Wait, you already saw it? awwww, but wasn't it funny when me and Jack just chionged for no reason? =D
Think of more stuff later.
In my Best friend's, Brother's, God's Name I blog.
Thursday, July 06, 2006 6:08 pm
Okaaaay. Forgot to update.
Went for LAN yesterday with the guys. Not bad, was damn cheap though the coms were crap. lagged like fuck. though i did enjoy some card shuffle and original wc3. imma sign up for membership.
Came back and started to chiong homework. piaed everything, 1 shot =)
Then I missed the world cup this morning. But let's talk about the Germany VS Italy match.
I love Italian food but I hate what they feed. Friggin actors, super exxagerated and lousy, no wonder Italy had like 43 free kicks and 32 corner kicks while germany had 25 and 12 respectively. Germany had about 80 fouls? lmao
Poor Klinsmann was screaming the entire game, but I admired Lehmann(is that how you spell it)? so many damn saves and people still blame him for getting Germany to use.
And fuck you Ballack, burst your bollocks.
Looking forward to finals and more LAN tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006 9:09 pm
96th post, - 50 random facts about me.
1.Last time I checked, I had 108 IQ. tyty
2.I'm shortsighted because I read a lot in my childhood times.
3.I'm not actually good at anything, a Jack of all trades, master of none.
4.I enjoy listening to music.
5.I'm not gay.
6.There's nothing I wouldn't give up for my family.
7.I'm Christian.
8. I suck at dota so dont ask me to team with you unless you're prepared to be uber pissed.
9. I'm a fucking kaypoh
10. I like to console friends(takin it as training for becoming a psychologist?)
11. I like to play mind games with enemies(once again study of human mind)
12.My worst school subject is chinese!
13. I like eating meat in general, there's no meat I actually hate.
14. My typing speed is 80 words a minute on average! D=
15. I haven't gotten angry in 8 months.
16. I've been playing Maplestory for 1 year and 9 months.
17. I have my own bedroom? lol
18. I have no idea if the fagtastic 5 still exists or not.
19. I love my class.
20. I hate my teachers in general.
21. I have a botanical family =)
22. I suffer from a passive mental condition
23. My handphone has no mp3 nor bluetooth nor infared.
24. Im a tad racist.
25. My dad's a tad racist
26. I like to look at things beyond the surface.
27. I live in a condo in Bukit Panjang
28. Despite what I just said, I don't carry wads of cash with me around.
29. I've suffered accidents that have ripped my forehead skin off every 5 years(2007's the next one)
30. I learn Taekwondo
31. I like to play shooting games at the arcade, ESPECIALLY the house of the dead 4.
32. Am I considered attached? I don't think so, yay for being single!
33. My name is derived from my Dad's all time favourite football player, Juurgen Klinsmann.
34. I'm the youngest in the family
35. I have all sorts of weird dreams that remind me of hollywood blockbusters
36. I hate Jingyew, PERIOD
37. I'm wearing my special BB polo tee jersey now.
39. I like to laugh, therefore I require a sense of humour.
40. If I want to go home from school, I either take 151 and change to 184/75 after 5 - 6 stops, take 963 from AYE bus stop, take MRT and change to LRT, take 96 to central change to 184...
41. I've always wondered what its like to die.
42. My com is 3 years old.
43. My room is uber messy.
44. I have 2 fish tanks at home.
45. I'm quite self conscious about my looks, but I try not to change anything.
46. It'll be much better for your social life to stay on my good side >=)
47. i have my future vaguely mapped out in my head.
48. I'm not sarcastic, no, I'm not kidding >_>
49. ieE h8 pEPlz hUu t0rk lyK diSHh
50. To me, love is nothing, as everyone deserves it.
There you go, phew.
7:27 pm
The 95th post of this humble blog shall be titled.
A HISTORY OF KLINSEN SOH : Written By Klinsen Soh and posted on Klinsen Soh's blog.Okaaaay.
I was born in 9th January 1992 in Gleneagles hospital. Which was a big surprise considering my due date was the 18th. Mom was sick and the drugs would dissolve my undeveloped brain so, yeah, out I went.
I was brought into my home, a 3 room flat in Bukit Batok. Attention and all that was showered on me, I can vaguely remember going to ah gong's house every sunday. =P His neighbours took care of me as a toddler while Dad and Mom were busy.
Tragedy struck a few months later, Mom somehow managed to crash through a highway guardrail. Yan was quite lucky to have hidden behind the seat, while Mom and I sustained some injuries, I heard I was bleeding quite badly.
It wasn't long before I was 3 and officially sentient. I dedicated most of my time to reading my brother's textbooks and having fun in the playground downstairs(by this time I had moved to Choa Chu Kang). I entered nursery school at 4 and remember learning to count and recognise stuff, and I STILL remember the big playground beside the school which ain't that big anymore now that I think about it, hur hur.
Then came Kindergarden in the form of PAP centre down the street. I was the alpha and model student. Topping grades and physical activity(if there were any) and having the best drawings. LMAO. I was really the teacher's pet and I got to know the principal of the Kindergarden on a personal level even. Anyway, those days are over. But I still remember reading my first Chinese words, which were encoded to me seeing how no one speaks chinese in my house.
At 5, i lived a more exciting life than most kids.
There was one incident where I actually managed to pull a grown man and force him back on the pathway when he nearly tripped and fell into a drain. Then, this "guy" called Lynette(I know, wtf?) pushed me off the playground platform, and I fell headfirst. I bled for quite long from my forehead, ouch.
Okay, it was probably more exciting then than now.
Enter Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School. I was so excited at the idea of Singspiration and stuff. And to think I was the only guy in my class who didn't cry on the first day =D . yeah baby.
Laziness took over me and I started to stop doing homework. A few "incidents" resulted in me hating the school system, being a "naughty" boy, and of course, learning the word "Fuck" - the hard way.
I had a few friends in P1, Agnes, Eugene, Natalie. Lol, we were always competing to see who could clean up the corner of our class fastest and build the biggest pile of dirt and dust. It was fun while it lasted, and I remember being the fastest in doing shit like xi2 zi4 and basic stuff.
The next year, all of us went into different classes. I met Yishuo then, now that I think about it, he hasn't really changed much. P2 was fun as we kept chasing away chinese teachers, about 9 I think. Yeah, I met people like Hui Kiat and Zondrix too.
Sadly, I heard news that Agnes had passed away at the end of the year. Being young at that time, I decided that it really wasn't that useful to get sad over that kind of stuff. Yeah, it is sad, now that I think about it.
About that time,my cuz Yuyong became my best friend outside of school, we were forever on the phone, talking about funny experiences and shit. Til today we still chat often, he has a lot of experiences in Maple being a hacker and stuff.
Then in P3, I re-met Rayson. I never knew he had been taking the same bus service as me even after 2 years. I found out he lived a short distance from my house. We soon took to each other, sharing hobbies such as playing country erasers. Though we were never in the same class, we always saw each other as our best friends. At least I did for him.
P3 was also the time I met Mrs Han, a teacher who would make some sort of miniscule impact on my life. She was quite good actually, compared to people like Madam Poon and green branch? Then in p3 I also joined BB. lawl. til today I never regret that decision.
P4 and P5 were the least fruitful years of my life considering I was developing and attitude of sort and I never really had friends in class.
P6 was also quite dumb. Mrs Han was back with a vengeance, though I wouldn't talk about that. I was forever the outcast, having no skill for basketball whatsover. I had a lot of friends in class though. And I really grew through that time.
The post-PSLE and PSLE periods were real fun. During the actual PSLE days, I was busy chionging Darkeden and eating junk food. I remember going to the toilet a few times during the actual papers =P after all the undue stress was done, I was into slack mode.
I soon discovered my talent for shouting and giving moral support for friends. And I began to watch anime hardcore. Started off with Naruto, then moved on to Bleach and then FMA.
Nan Hua secondary school, as it used to be called, had some sick/insane charm that drew me to it. The first few weeks of sec 1 was damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn fun. Especially orientation camp, miss it lots =( anyway, i felt that I'd made an impact in the class, now I know I was right. Apparently, I was one of the most hated people in class, ya, i mean WTF. it was my swearing habit that seriously was THE factor. Anyway, I met a few people whom became my good friends and whom I hold dear now.
I was soon recruited back into BB, this time shifting from 57th to the 94th. Officer JT and Junhao have helped me a lot in my spiritual life, yeah. Introducing me to church and bringing me through encounter camp. I will never ever forget my gratefulness to them. FCBC was fun before it moved to Expo, now its too far =(
I went through a mass transfiguration during late 2005, I stopped crying and getting angry altogether. A lot of things changed for me and I was like a whole new person, though never losing my extreme sense of humour.
So far, 2006 has been a relatively good year for me. I feel very much welcome in the class, Ndp rocks our socks, this blog came alive,
and I found someone a lot of hilarious experiences came to me. All those things.
I think, being seperated from this class, is the furthest that a tear will ever come to my eye.
Sunday, July 02, 2006 11:43 pm
Miss Lee's tuition kicked off the day- by being 1 hour late, tyty. Then i went through my half-done homework. xD
Met the guys at central(not FMA de) for lunch. We went to KFC after a debate, everyone was like waiting for their cheese fries? Me had to wait for all my food except my drink D=
Then those crazy dancers kept following Jessica and laughing, i seriously think they're worse than me + weiliat?
Today had a LOT of chats with the newly founded botanical family. yay for me making fun of Jacintha Abushidagaden, im now uncle abushinthegarden AKA bush gorgor! =) tyty. kinda feel that I could get to know all you guys much better.
Prac was, started with a finale? wtf, then we had dinner at like 4.50. like any of us could finish, the highlight of the dinner was prolly the ice cream, which had crap quality wrapping =/ ZzzzZzz
But talk about super performance.
We emulated the real Pulsating Vigour of Youth today. The lights and everything, whoa unnerving. but i piaed enthuism once more, jack told me to relax lol.
Our finales still super shitty though, sad. And thank you Gurmit Singh for looking back when i screamed "use your blain!" =) then had some fun picking tons of bullet shell blanks, though I had to give them up later.
BUT YAN GOR HAS A BIG BOX OF UNDISCHARGED DE =(Went to macs with Jessica + John + Jack (lol 3rd J name) + roanna + jingyew????? I don't know why the guy tagged along but yeah, that was about it. I supposed it was quite shocking to see students in uniform at macs at 10pm? Then we were sitting beside some poly/ITE students who were twisting balloons - or at least trying but failing miserably and bursting them every 20 seconds. Then we were like OMGWTFBBQSAUCE whenever John tried to twist it, lawl. The jack couldn't finish his free ice cream cone, so he dumped it into his coke. Coke float! with an extra cone and wrapping paper =.=
Jess and Ro took cab. Jack took bus from one side of central. I crossed to the other side and John took MRT(which incidentally was between me and Jack) . Then I saw zhiwei and explained some stuff to him (why i had a big yellow balloon, how the coffee works etc.)
Love you 2/5, rock on for NDP =)
Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:33 pm
Yesterday's Taekwondo was, erm, okay. After PT and Taiwan style training was break, then we decided to throw each other into the pool. I lifted gavin with 1 arm =O and just chucked him in like that =D
Of course, all good things must come to an end, dad happened to be nearby and he told sir derrick off. aww, then i went to hide in the clubhouse toilet to dry my gi, lmao.
Woke up this morning at bout 9. Played a bit of gunbound for an hour. Bathed and went to central for lunch. Then I saw beatrice and serene, the 2 idiots who ordered take away but sat down to eat =/
Had some "chats" with them for a while, then they waited for me to follow me to walk to school.
Then I changed immediately after reaching school. Did the usual protocol, afked from life at the hall. Screamed on the bus for fun. Then it was... makeup time.
If you even consider the masculine genocide "makeup time". I was always the last for everything. First the lotion, then roanna helped me with foundation; beatrice with powder; jessica with the blusher (after zhipeng nearly poisoned me); then some dancer killed me off with the eyeshadow. I was fighting an urge to pretend to die and shout the trademark death phrase..
"All hope is lost..."Luckily i didnt put on lipstick, yay me!
Anyway, i was so proud of group X. We > groups A - W in dancing terms. Got shout, got jog on the spot, dont even NEED to count. We own all you other cb groups =)
Dinner was KFC, i had a ball explaining how chicken nuggets were made.
By the way, they take the head, wings, legs and breasts off the chicken as those are the parts people usually eat. Whatever's left is just blended heavily(even the bones) into a large thick mass. The remaining fat is then thrown in and blended once more. The result is then deep fried and served.
Shrooms burger got no mushroom de =( Had fun playing the Matrix version of the hand slapping game with weilrat!
Bus ride was so wild yet boring, sang the first 2 fma openings to myself, good thing no one heard =P Then at school I drowned myself for 20 secs and washed off the blusher and most of the eyeshadow.
Went home for crab and rojak, whee!